Here''s an example:
On the original form you''d have something like:
<div id="makes">
<%= select("search", "make",
Make.find(:all).collect {|m| [,] },
:include_blank => true) %>
<%= observe_field("search_make",
:update => "models",
:url => { :action => "search_models" },
:with => "''make_id=''+value") %>
<div id="models">
Then, inside your target action (search_models.rhtml in this case):
<%= select("search", "model", @models.collect {|m|
[,] },
:include_blank => true) %>
Also see:
Hope this helps.
On 8/13/05, Oliver Legg <>
wrote:> I''m trying to use rails built in AJAX support in my application,
> works fine while using it on a text field, but fails when trying to
> use it on a select field.
> When the select box is changed I want it update a div in my form. Is
> there a way to do this using built in rails helpers and how do i do
> this with select boxes.
> Thanks in advance.
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