2005-Aug-11 10:41 UTC
Ruby http response help with getting cookie ID
Hi everyone, I made a post earlier but I don''t think I made it clear enough what my problem was so here it is. I''m currently trying to use rsesame to connect Ruby and Sesame (RDF database). I''m trying to communicate with my Sesame server through http. I''m able to log into Sesame via http, once login it sends me a http response 200 along with a cookie id for the session. How can I retrieve this cookie id and store it as a variable? I need the cookie id to perform further transactions. In rsesame written by Michiel Hobbelman he used the following code: if(resp.code == "200") resp.get_fields(''set-cookie'').each do|c| @session_id = $1 if(c =~ /sesame_sid=(.*);\s/) end else log "Login failed" log "Code = #{resp.code}" log "Message = #{resp.message}" resp.each {|key, val| log(sprintf("%-14s = %-40.40s\n", key, val)) } return 1 end For some reason when I use it on my version of Ruby 1.8.2 stable release for windows it comes up with the error ''methodNotFound for get_fields''. Help would be much appreciated. Thanks, June ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.