> Time.gm( *@params[:date].split("-") )
Cause an error rendering the new page, I guess because I''m getting a
object instead of a Date.
Showing /duties/list.rhtml where line #65 raised:
undefined method `next'' for Thu Jun 30 00:00:00 UTC 2005:Time
Extracted source (around line #65):
62: <%= link_to ''Previous date'', :action =>
''list'', :date => @prvDate
63: </td>
64: <td>
65: <%= link_to ''Next date'', :action =>
''list'', :date =>
@filterDate.next %>
66: </td>
67: </tr>
68: </table>
> Date.parse(@params[:date])
Works fine ! Also fix the end-of-month problem.
Thanks to both of you.