Hi all, I''m trying to code a component which is re-useable for different sites, and for different places within the same rails site. It''s working quite well, but I notice that when I use link_to (or url_for) to generate a link, it is an ''absolute'' link, rather than being relative to where the component is being displayed. For example; Say my application has pages for different people. The page for user ''craig'' is at the url: hostname/people/show/craig/ On that page, I wish to put my component, which is a discussion thread (basically, a list of comments). The show action for my people controller loads the component, using the action ''index''. The index action of the component loads the view index.rhtml. Within that, I display the headings of all the comments, with a link to their ''show'' action to see more detail. <%= link_to(''Read More'', {:action => "show", :id => 1) %> Currently, this takes my application to the URL: hostname/people/show/1 The controller is "people", only because I didn''t specify one explicitly, so it used the controller in the current route (the people one, not the component one). If I specify the controller as the component, I get: hostname/comments/show/1 This isn''t right either. What I want, is the URL: hostname/people/show/craig/comments/show/1 Obviously I can create this string myself, but I think that this is the way that link_to should always work for components. Components don''t know in what context they are being used, and they shouldn''t need to know. They should be able to link to other pages which are part of the component, without changing the page that loaded the component. What do other people think about this? Am I the only person attempting to write third party components? :) regards, Craig -- Craig Ambrose Web Elements http://www.portallus.com/people/craigambrose/