I think this will do what you want:
<%= select_tag(:v_type,
options_for_select([["Coach", "c"], ["Assistant
Coach", "ac"]],
@params[:v_type])) %>
Access it like so:
On 6/24/05, Michael King <kingmt-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w@public.gmane.org>
wrote:> Am I just using this wrong or does the select_tag helper not accept
> choices to select from?
> I am refering to the documentation at http://ap.rubyonrails.com/ and
> in the bottom left finding the function name select_tag
> I looked up the function select and it does accept choices to select
> from but it is designed to set a field in an object. I tried building
> a form using select without an object and the form will render and
> submit but I am guessing at how to access the value.
> - Michael
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