Arie Kusuma Atmaja
2005-Jun-19 21:25 UTC
special ViM''s highlight for Ruby (including Rails + rhtml/erb) was text editor for productivity
hi, ViM is my favorite editor (i''ve tried many editors) for years. i always use it to edit every text file (and i can''t loose ViM to code Ruby and Rails too). and now with the book Agile Web i also use ViM to code Rails and rhtml, however, i feel bothered with the syntax highlight. ViM''s syntax highlight is great for ruby, but when i use it to edit file.rhtml, i must :set syntax=ruby or :set syntax=html, is there a planning from Railers to make ViM''s syntax special for Rails (or automatically as an improve to ruby.vim in syntax dir)? Because when I set syntax=ruby then I lost html syntax and when i set syntax=html then i lose ruby syntax :( i don''t wanna loose you ViM .. u''re my editor 4 good. -- Salam hangat, Arie Sila bertandang & comment ke blog saya di YM: riyari3 email: ariekusumaatmaja_at_riyari_titik_com ariekusumaatmaja_at_gmail_titik_com
Michael Koziarski
2005-Jun-19 21:31 UTC
Re: special ViM''s highlight for Ruby (including Rails + rhtml/erb) was text editor for productivity
> Because > when I set syntax=ruby then I lost html syntax and when i set > syntax=html then i lose ruby syntax :(I''m an emacs guy, so I don''t know the details. But I *do* know that a few of the core rails team uses vim. So there''s bound to be something available? -- Cheers Koz
Nicholas Lee
2005-Jun-19 21:49 UTC
Re: special ViM''s highlight for Ruby (including Rails + rhtml/erb) was text editor for productivity
On 6/20/05, Arie Kusuma Atmaja <> wrote:> highlight. ViM''s syntax highlight is great for ruby, but when i use it > to edit file.rhtml, i must :set syntax=ruby or :set syntax=html, isI find using the eruby syntax works well for vim and rhtml files: Nicholas