I have an ajax powered live search that currently works off of a text field. I pass the contents of the text field inside of @params[''search''] to the controller which then gathers up all the servicerequests which contain the string in the "problem" field. @servicerequests = Servicerequest.find( :all, :order_by => ''opened DESC'', :conditions => [ ''LOWER(problem) LIKE ?'', ''%'' + @params[''search''].downcase + ''%'' ]) Is there an easy way to look for this string everywhere in the servicerequest table? I want to look in fields besides "problem" but I don''t know how to add those to the query(my SQL is weak right now). Also I would also like to look for the same string in a table that the servicerequest "belongs_to". Specifically I have a user table, each servicerequest belongs_to a user, and I want to be able to search inside of the user''s name and address and so on. How would I do this? Thank you, Matthew Margolis