* Dick Davies
<rasputnik-ogHSZ3ARDZIOXkKaSkYkkl6hYfS7NtTn@public.gmane.org> [0555
> I''m using the postgres adapter, and
> rake db_structure_dump
> is''nt picking up the development database
> (I have a session table I''m trying to test).
> Looks to me like it''s getting the production environment, whatever
> I set RAILS_ENV to in the shell....
> anyone else seeing this?
Hooray, I''m a moron!
Looks like I was editing database.yml while under the influence again...
''Aww, you know what always cheers me up? Laughing at other
people''s misfortunes.''
-- Bender
Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns