<fanfares/> Ladies and gentlemen! It is a great pleasure for me to announce the release of version 0.10.0 of Instiki, the most popular end-user application in the Ruby world. Instiki is a Wiki Clone <http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiWikiClones> that’s so easy to set up and so pretty to look at, you’ll be wondering whether this is a real wiki at all. It is also an early ancestor of Rails. In this version Instiki becomes a real Rails application. Besides, we have a new markup option that mixes Textile and Markdown on the same pages. Besides, there is an automated test suite for the controllers layer, and generally a lot more tests. Other than that, there are dozens of bug fixes and usability tweaks, but no major new features. Sadly, the file uploads didn''t make it to production yet. There may be new bugs, too - there is A LOT of new and changed code in there. The released files are available at http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=186 Online documentation is at http://instiki.org Source code and bug tracker are at http://dev.instiki.org A gem should be available on RubyForge gem server shortly. Huge thanks to: * Dennis Mertz and other contributors for tickets and patches * David Heinemeier Hansson for both Instiki and Rails * Why the Lucky Stiff for RedCloth 3.0.3 * Matz for the elegant and expressive language * Ruby community for its existence <fanfares/> CHANGELOG * 0.10.0: Ported to ActionPack RedCloth 3.0.3 BlueCloth is phased out, Markdown is rendered by RedCloth Mix markup option understands both Textile and Markdown on the same page Instiki can serve static content (such as HTML or plain-text files) from ./public directory Much friendlier admin interface Wiki link syntax doesn''t conflict with Textile hyperlink syntax. Therefore "textile link":LinkToSomePlace will not look insane. RSS feeds accept query parameters, sush as http://localhost:2500/wiki/rss_with_headlines?start=2005-02-18&end=2005-02-19&limit=10 RSS feed with page contents for a password-protected web behaves as follows: if the web is published, RSS feed links to the published version of the web otherwise, the feed is not available Madeleine will check every hour if there are new commands in the log or 24 hours have passed since last snapshot, and take snapshot if either of these conditions is true Madeleine will also not log read-only operations, resulting in a better performance Wiki extracts (to HTML and plain text) will leave only the last extract file in ./storage Wiki search handles multibyte (UTF-8) characters correctly Local hyperlinks in published pages point to published pages [Michael DeHaan] Fixed a bug that sometimes caused all past revisions of a page to be "forgotten" on restart Fixed parsing of URIs with a port number (http://someplace.org:8080) Instiki will not fork itself on a *nix, unless explicitly asked to Instiki can bind to IPs other than (command-line option) Revisions that do not change anything on the page are rejected Automated tests for all controller actions category: lines are presented as links to "All Pages" for relevant categories Search looks at page titles, as well as content Multiple other usability enhancements and bug fixes -- Best regards, Alexey Verkhovsky Ruby Forum: http://ruby-forum.org (moderator) RForum: http://rforum.andreas-s.net (co-author) Instiki: http://instiki.org (maintainer)
<fanfares/> Ladies and gentlemen! It is a great pleasure for me to announce the release of version 0.10.0 of Instiki, the most popular end-user application in the Ruby world. Instiki is a Wiki Clone <http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiWikiClones> that’s so easy to set up and so pretty to look at, you’ll be wondering whether this is a real wiki at all. It is also an early ancestor of Rails. In this version Instiki becomes a real Rails application. Besides, we have a new markup option that mixes Textile and Markdown on the same pages. Besides, there is an automated test suite for the controllers layer, and generally a lot more tests. Other than that, there are dozens of bug fixes and usability tweaks, but no major new features. Sadly, the file uploads didn''t make it to production yet. There may be new bugs, too - there is A LOT of new and changed code in there. The released files are available at http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=186 Online documentation is at http://instiki.org Source code and bug tracker are at http://dev.instiki.org A gem should be available on RubyForge gem server shortly. Huge thanks to: * Dennis Mertz and other contributors for tickets and patches * David Heinemeier Hansson for both Instiki and Rails * Why the Lucky Stiff for RedCloth 3.0.3 * Matz for the elegant and expressive language * Ruby community for its existence <fanfares/> CHANGELOG * 0.10.0: Ported to ActionPack RedCloth 3.0.3 BlueCloth is phased out, Markdown is rendered by RedCloth Mix markup option understands both Textile and Markdown on the same page Instiki can serve static content (such as HTML or plain-text files) from ./public directory Much friendlier admin interface Wiki link syntax doesn''t conflict with Textile hyperlink syntax. Therefore "textile link":LinkToSomePlace will not look insane. RSS feeds accept query parameters, sush as http://localhost:2500/wiki/rss_with_headlines?start=2005-02-18&end=2005-02-19&limit=10 RSS feed with page contents for a password-protected web behaves as follows: if the web is published, RSS feed links to the published version of the web otherwise, the feed is not available Madeleine will check every hour if there are new commands in the log or 24 hours have passed since last snapshot, and take snapshot if either of these conditions is true Madeleine will also not log read-only operations, resulting in a better performance Wiki extracts (to HTML and plain text) will leave only the last extract file in ./storage Wiki search handles multibyte (UTF-8) characters correctly Local hyperlinks in published pages point to published pages [Michael DeHaan] Fixed a bug that sometimes caused all past revisions of a page to be "forgotten" on restart Fixed parsing of URIs with a port number (http://someplace.org:8080) Instiki will not fork itself on a *nix, unless explicitly asked to Instiki can bind to IPs other than (command-line option) Revisions that do not change anything on the page are rejected Automated tests for all controller actions category: lines are presented as links to "All Pages" for relevant categories Search looks at page titles, as well as content Multiple other usability enhancements and bug fixes -- Best regards, Alexey Verkhovsky Ruby Forum: http://ruby-forum.org (moderator) RForum: http://rforum.andreas-s.net (co-author) Instiki: http://instiki.org (maintainer)