After creating classes Foo and Bar and connecting them together with has_and_belongs_to_many, I attempted to add an association between them with bar.foos << foo. I was surprised to see two connector rows show up in the bars_foos table. However, only one connector row showed up when I added the association with foo.bars << bar. On further inspection, I found that the Foo class definition was being executed twice. The first execution was an explicit require ''foo'' statement. The second execution seems strange to me: even without the require, the code was going out and looking for a foo.rb. In other words, the duplicate join rows were caused by executing something like this: class Foo has_and_belongs_to_many :bars end class Foo has_and_belongs_to_many :bars end So I now know how to fix my problem, but I still have a few questions for all you rails users: 1) Why does Ruby look for a foo.rb when I mention Foo in a statement? 2) Can I prevent this, so I can have better control of how many times class definitions get executed? 3) Can I surround my class definitions with code that prevents them from being executed twice? 4) Shouldn''t active_record ignore the second has_and_belongs_to_many instead of calling a second insert on save? 5) Why does the workaround (adding bars to a foo instead of foos to a bar) work? Thanks in advance for your thoughts, --DTS _____________________test.rb___________ #!/usr/bin/ruby require ''rubygems'' require_gem ''activerecord'' require ''bar'' require ''foo'' $*.length == 3 or raise %Q( Usage: "./test.rb [db username] [db password] bar" to see duplicate rows "./test.rb [db username] [db password] foo" to see the workaround ) ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( :adapter => "mysql", :host => "localhost", :username => $*[0], :password => $*[1], :database => "db" ) Foo.destroy_all Bar.destroy_all foo =''code'' => ''foo1'') bar =''code'' => ''bar1'') foos = Foo.find_by_code(''foo1'') case $*[2] when ''bar'': bar.foos << foo when ''foo'': foo.bars << bar end puts "bar.foos.size: %d" % bar.foos.size puts "foo.bars.size: %d" % foo.bars.size ________________bar.rb____________ #!/usr/bin/ruby require ''rubygems'' require_gem ''activerecord'' #require ''foo'' class Bar < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :foos puts "Bar defined" end ______________foo.rb_____________ #!/usr/bin/ruby require ''rubygems'' require_gem ''activerecord'' #require ''bar'' class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :bars puts "Foo defined" end _______________db.sql____________ drop database db; create database db; use db; drop table if exists foos; create table foos ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, code varchar(40) not null, primary key(id) ); drop table if exists bars; create table bars ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, code varchar(40) not null, primary key(id) ); drop table if exists bars_foos; create table bars_foos ( bar_id int(11) not null, foo_id int(11) not null ); __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Personals - Better first dates. More second dates.