Right now you probably have to hardcode the paths ( At least thats what i do )
I wonder how much work it would be to make the render calls module aware...
On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 03:02:09 +0000, Duane Johnson
wrote:> I''ve just begun using "modules" in my rails
application so that I
> can separate the admin section from the users section... but doing so
> broke some of (all of?) my calls to partials. I was using
> "render_partial ''select_customer''" before, but
now it can''t find the
> _select_customer.rhtml file. Is there a way to hint to render_partial
> that it should now look inside its own module in the
> /views/module_name/controller_name/ folder?
> I would prefer not to hardcode each of the render_partial calls to
> reference my module, but I''d do that if it''s necessary of
> Thanks,
> Duane Johnson
> (canadaduane)
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