I created a simle script for a webpage I''m working on that updates a small div of text every so often. The text varies greatly in length, so I would rather use an effect so the div collapses->the text is updated-> the div uncollapses. My code below, however, doesn''t work. After testing, I realize that it isn''t scaling to 100% of the text height, but 100% of another value. What would be the best way to fix this? My code: var offset = 0; function fadeIn(r) { $("currentaside").innerHTML = r.responseText; new Effect.Scale("currentaside", 100.0, {scaleX: false, scaleFrom: 50, scaleContent: false}); } function getData() { new Ajax.Request("./aside.php?fromcat=2&offset=" + offset, {onComplete: fadeIn}); } function refresh() { offset++; new Effect.Scale("currentaside", 50, {scaleX: false, afterFinish: getData, scaleFrom: 100, scaleContent: false}); } getData(); new PeriodicalExecuter (refresh, 10);