Hey guys, I''m the author of the recently-released Javascript package loader, jspkg, that was just released to Sourceforge. I''m trying to judge interest in using this library loader for various unobtrusive Javascript libraries like script.aculo.us. jspkg requires very minimal changes to the included source files and most libaries won''t require any code to be rewritten. It uses techniques similar to those already used by script.aculo.us for loading additional scripts. Two major advantages to using jspkg are that symbols are only imported into packages if they request them (ie: avoidance of global scope pollution) and scripts that are not used by any code on a given page doesn''t need to be imported. To show off the library, I''ve managed to port IE7, script.aculo.us and prototype over to the library by adding the jspkg package headers and footers only. You can find these demos on the examples page listed below. I''d also like to invite the script.aculo.us community to be involved in the design process of the library before its release. None of the design choices in jspkg are final and I''d really like to get as much input as possible before I let this thing loose for good. As the documentation isn''t complete, the best way to see how to use it is by studying the various examples on the jspkg examples page listed below. The examples in this version have only been tested with Firefox 1.0, but previous versions have been tested with IE and the final release will support Safari as well. http://jspkg.sourceforge.net/examples/ I''ve listed some of the reasons why jspkg is different than other package loaders like JSAN on the jspkg homepage: http://jspkg.sourceforge.net/ Thanks, Matt.