search for: unobtrus

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 99 matches for "unobtrus".

2006 Jun 05
Unobtrusive javascript...what if?
What could produce accessible, unobtrusive javascript, using Rails built-in javascript/prototype helpers, with just one extra line of code in your layout, a plugin, and one small enhancement to the helpers. Something like this: [php] <% form_remote_tag :controller => ''foo'', :action => ''bar'',...
2006 Aug 01
Unobtrusive Javascript for Rails 0.2
Dan Webb ( and I are happy to announce the latest release of the Unobtrusive Javascript plugin for Rails. This release packs in lots of cool new features, a few changes to old ones and some performance enhancements. Now you can write your behaviours in Ruby, attach behaviours directly to elements using content_tag and apply behaviours to elements without HTML ID...
2010 Dec 20
The Rails3 way for in-place editing
Currently I want to implement in-place editing directly on the index-page (for the sake of learning just xx products with a name to be edited). These are my favorite links from yesterday''s research (for the archives): *On the spot is a Rails3 compliant unobtrusive javascript in-place-editing plugin: (, ( Rails 3 Remote Links and Forms: A Defin...
2006 Jul 21
Unobtrusive Javascript plugin
Hi, I downloaded the unobtrusive_javascript pluing from this link ( since I needed to have dynamic content in javascript (for a pop-up menu). Unfortunately I have been unable to make the plugin work. I followed the instructions...
2007 Mar 14
SV: Re: each() and parameters and unobtrusive javascript Fra: rubyonrails-spinoffs-/ [] På vegne af David Dashifen Kees Sendt: 13. marts 2007 14:26 Til: rubyonrails-spinoffs-/ Emne: [Rails-spinoffs] Re: each() and parameters and unobtrusive javascript I like that, thanks. And the x/y thing isn''t confusing to me, but I''ve actually gotten phone calls about it from people worried that someone is hacking their computer as a result of them. I wish there was a way to turn them off. I''ve resorted to wrap...
2007 Apr 09
Unobtrusive IPE -- comments, please
I just coded an unobtrusive In Place Editor and wanted to get some review and comments for it. Anyone spot anything obvious that I could do to streamline this? Thanks, Walter <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> var rightClick = function(e){ Event.stop(e); var editListing = ne...
2006 Jun 07
Unobtrusive Javascript for Rails
I made a brief post on here the other day about this and now I can proudly present the initial release of our unobtrusive_javascript plugin for Rails. We''ll be working with Dan Webb of Vivabit to roll in much of the functionality in his own as-yet unreleased unobtrusive_javascript plugin into a single plugin. This is essentially a preview release and probably not suitable for use on a production site just...
2006 May 11
Yahoo Container Library
Just a note that Yahoo came out with some more widgets Check out Maybe we can adopt some of their ideas. * I like the Module library and its subclasses * you can do unobtrusive html and use this when you instantiate the javascript objects dom _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2013 Feb 19
Float::INFINITY ranges in where() clause
...) } end This would generate something along the lines of "WHERE people.born_on <= ''1995-02-19''". A proof of concept implementation was easy to knock out: This seems like a intuitive, unobtrusive way to make some comparison operators available without dropping down to SQL. Tell me why I''m wrong. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Core" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, s...
2011 Sep 06
Ajax and rails 3 UJS (jquery)
...I missing? The json data gets returned but somehow, jquery is not intercepting it :( Is the ajax callback that I put in application.js errorneous/ incomplete? Any good references (that work) with rails 3 UJS (ajax)? My references were: 1) 2)!/59899595 3) 4) 5 )
2010 Feb 12
What happens to RJS in Rails 3
I know that Rails 3 ideal of unobtrusive javascript will result in the removal of all inline javascript. But where does that leave RJS? It looks like PrototypeGenerator is still a part of the Rails core, so I''m going to assume that RJS templates will remain unchanged. Still looks like gems/plugins such JRals will be necessary...
2011 Oct 29
comments on HAML ? is that has alot of regular HTML in the .erb views already, will it still work with those or do I need to convert everything to HAML ? Can I have some views in regular HTML and some in HAML, things mixed like that ? Any gotchas for using HAML/Liquid with AJAX ? I understand Rails 3 encourages unobtrusive Javascript, but installed the older gem for doing AJAX for the time being as sometimes seem to not get very excited about writing Javascript. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to...
2005 Jun 29
Unobtrusive scripting?
Currently, pages generated by Rails tend to be sprinkled with JavaScript. This happens, because the various helper methods work only locally and simply append to the output. In order to hide the JavaScript away, rendering would probably have to be changed. A way I can think of is that a page-specific script is included in the head of the document and JavaScript code is not written to the
2005 Jul 12
how to cancel/stop a effect
I apologise for what is probably a totally noob question here, but I''m at a loss after pouring over the docs and the source code for prototype and scriptaculous... After you''ve started an effect, how do you access it to cancel or change it? I had assumed it was something like this: myEffect = new Effect.Appear(element, {duration:1.5}); myEffect.cancel(); ... but that
2006 May 12
RJS and collection size
I need to implement a conditional in my RJS template which looks something like: if (''row1'').first != null) page << "new TableRow.MoveAfter(''row1'', ''newrow'');" else page << "new TableRow.MoveAfter(''row2'', ''newrow'');" end Now, dumb question.. My
2013 May 23
Xen/ARM multiboot (v2) support
Hi Ian, can we push multiboot v2 support for Xen/ARM still into 4.3? It looks like it can coexists with zImage in the same binary - the multiboot structure can be put just behind the zImage header and the code can determine how it has been started: zImage bootloaders clears r0, multiboot one''s would set r0 to the MB magic. I will sketch a patch tomorrow, just wondering if we can have
2006 Mar 05
whatever happend to unobtrusive javascript in Rails ?
...price. The resulting code is littered with inline JS, including ubiquitous script tags and onload attributes etc.. It seems that just when i found myself fully appreciating the advantages of graceful degradation and progressive enhancement and gotten myself into a habit of writing clean, unobtrusive dom scripts -- fully separated from the presentation layer -- i''m now again faced with with a dilemma in Rails: Here is a framework that is all about beautiful code and strict separation, yet i suppose to just throw out all good intentions on the client side? I also don''...
2008 Jun 02
[PATCH] browser_plugin - kate support, build fixes, and misc;> --with-firefox-cflags= and --with-firefox-libs= > > I've made it a single one, --with-gecko-sdk= and also default > include path and xpidl path to that if specified. Hi, I noticed this hasn't been applied, so I'm sending it again as it's quite simple and, I think, unobtrusive. It allows building against a prebuilt Gecko SDK. If it needs changing to be applied, feel free to tell me what you'd like changed. Cheers -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: browser_plugin-with-gecko-sdk.diff Type: text/x-patch Size: 1697 byt...
2004 Aug 03
patch to deal with empty filenames client that sends out a tftp file request with an empty (but null terminated) filename. IMHO this is a bug, but I still need to be able to use TFTP with this client. Modifying the client is out of the question at this point. To deal with this situation I modified tftp-hpa in what I hope is an unobtrusive manner -- I basically modified the code to map "" filenames into the string "blank". I believe that this will allow users to use tftp-hpa's filename remapping capability as well (but I haven't tried this). This modification causes one warning associated with "c...
2008 May 30
UJS for rails plugin Installation problems
...o away no matter where I place the "UJS::routes" line in the routes.rb file. The only way I found to get rid of this error is to run "rake tmp:sessions:clear" but then I get another error which is "can''t convert Symbol into String" which refers to the symbol :unobtrusive that I added to the javascript_tag as follows: <%= javascript_include_tag ''protoype'', :unobtrusive%> Looks like rails can''t load or find the UJS functions, because at some point, and I don''t know how, I got the error "apply_behaviour" not def...