+1 on the recognition of the socket close event.
On Sunday, October 7, 2012 4:07:06 PM UTC+2, Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas
> Sorry, couldn''t resist to that message subject :D
> I''m working on some performance improvements for my application
> there is something I think is missing in Rails (as well as most other
> frameworks) that I''d like to discuss here.
> For this application, the user can select multiple filters when querying
> a generic database. It is a live interface (like Google, for instance),
> so whenever the user selects a new filter the results are automatically
> updated. The request takes about 1s to deliver each search results but
> it can take more on complex queries.
> But the problem is that usually when setting filters it may happen that
> the user will cancel the last request if it hasn''t finished yet
> insertion of a new filter.
> This is a problem because Rails doesn''t provide any facilities for
> servers that will inform you about that (the http connection close
> event). Ideally, I''d like to be able to set up this Rails
application to
> behave this way (assuming my application is deployed as multi-thread
> with Puma, for instance):
> - when a connection has been closed (user canceled the request or
> network was down, etc):
> - if the route matches certain rules:
> - kill that thread created to handle that connection
> This would kill the PostgreSQL connection process for instance as any
> further Ruby processing happening on that thread.
> If I could do that I would be able to handle more requests using the
> same resources as before.
> Another useful feature to have built into Rails would be introducing
> some monitoring settings. For instance, if any thread handling certain
> route rules takes more than 3s the application could be able to handle
> that case. The application would be able to decide among those actions,
> for instance:
> - kill the thread and render some response and status
> - log the incident
> - gracefully cancel the database request if this is possible or
> gracefully interrupt some processing in place
> Please let me know if the description above is not quite clear.
> Cheers,
> Rodrigo.
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