Rails core - Jul 2012

Tuesday July 31 2012
8:25PM 0 ISO: feedback on pull request for has_secure_password validation improvement
2:26AM 2 Asset compilation parallelization
Monday July 30 2012
3:46PM 1 What can I do for rails core?
Sunday July 29 2012
7:17PM 15 In-memory uniqueness validator
9:10AM 0 Need some feedback for my pull request
3:44AM 6 ActionController::TestCase controller construction
Friday July 27 2012
10:25PM 1 Looking for feedback on a change to ActiveModel
Thursday July 26 2012
10:31PM 0 Ruby on Rails version 3.2.7 has been released!
10:31PM 0 Ruby on Rails version 3.1.7 has been released!
10:30PM 0 Ruby on Rails version 3.0.16 has been released!
2:27PM 2 Using the :layout option when calling render @variable
Wednesday July 25 2012
6:41PM 0 Add an option to not create/drop a table in a given environment
6:09PM 1 A minor beef with JSON::decode
Tuesday July 24 2012
7:43PM 4 Behavior of first_or_create
Monday July 23 2012
9:57PM 3 Rails 3.2.7.rc1 has been released!
7:59PM 0 Inflector bug/inconsistent behaviour - what to do?
Saturday July 21 2012
9:52PM 0 Validation Hints
3:29PM 3 Could Ruby Structs be useful to ActiveRecord?
Friday July 20 2012
9:48PM 8 sti_object.becomes(Parent) unexpectedly mutating the receiver
5:20PM 13 Could we add a new list for engines developers?
4:24PM 2 How to add a gem to autoload_path?
Thursday July 19 2012
4:49PM 1 Switching from development to production in rails 3.2.6
12:37PM 7 perform_deliveries to be set per email / interceptors should he able to stop delivery
Wednesday July 18 2012
4:59AM 1 Rails 3.1 Optional Routes
3:01AM 5 Any comment on adding #cast and #cast! to ActiveRecord::Relation?
Tuesday July 17 2012
3:00PM 0 Oportunidades Freelancer e Vagas
12:59PM 6 Database connection parameters are tied to the filesystem
6:46AM 1 AR deprecated finders
6:39AM 0 My periodic 6654 pull request nag: Fix PostgreSQL auto-reconnect
Monday July 16 2012
10:37AM 1 config.force_ssl :unless => :tor_hidden_service
Sunday July 15 2012
8:34PM 1 RFC: MyModel#to_params for use in url helpers & url_for
2:01PM 4 Adding new ARel visitors to resolve TypeError: Cannot visit ClassName
12:13PM 3 Why do I need to require my gem in application.rb so that I can use its settings in production?
Saturday July 14 2012
1:36AM 2 Errors running tests on master (d08fee3f284e6)
Friday July 13 2012
8:26PM 0 lazy load models that are observed
2:16PM 4 Ability to precompile only changed assets
Thursday July 12 2012
6:12PM 13 Extending controllers and models of Rails 3.2+ Engines
9:15AM 5 rake doc:rails template
4:56AM 0 Looking for Feedback on Pull Request
Wednesday July 11 2012
7:41PM 11 Support for views on activerecord
Monday July 9 2012
10:19PM 10 attr_accessible on some properties + attr_protected on others makes class 'open-by-default'
5:23PM 7 ActiveResource::Base#dup should take standard new/create args
4:33PM 0 Observers setup a core convention
2:15PM 20 Defining #blank for Array.
5:58AM 3 URL ID
Sunday July 8 2012
9:50AM 0 ActiveModel::ValueObject
Friday July 6 2012
11:34PM 0 Staus of ActiveSupport PR #6802? (String#singular? and String#plural?)
Thursday July 5 2012
7:38PM 1 Virtual attribute
6:48PM 21 Extract fixtures to a separate gem for Rails 4
4:43PM 2 Addition to has_many - a ':source_scope' option
Wednesday July 4 2012
2:38PM 3 Transitive engine dependencies
Tuesday July 3 2012
8:51PM 1 Remove AV::Resolver/PathSet/LookupContext#find_all methods
4:08PM 0 Asset Pipeline dependencies in Engines
3:49AM 0 include Enumerable in AR::Base?
Monday July 2 2012
11:55PM 1 accepts_nested_attributes_for ignores reject_if option for destroy of nested resource
11:48PM 1 Yet another pull request nag for 6654 -- postgresql-auto-reconnect-2
8:42PM 1 Active Record method
4:44PM 3 suggestion for changed behaviour of non-block version of unscoped activerecord queires