I am using fedora 8 with Rails version 2.0.2. But i need to change to
version 0.12.1. I have loaded 0.12.1 with
gem install rails --version 0.12.1
It went fine and now i have 2.0.2 and 0.12.1 verisons, but when i try
to add this linse to config/envrionment.rb
# Require Rails libraries.
require ''rubygems''
require_gem ''activesupport'', ''= 1.0.4''
require_gem ''activerecord'', ''= 1.10.1''
require_gem ''actionpack'', ''= 1.8.1''
require_gem ''actionmailer'', ''= 0.9.1''
require_gem ''actionwebservice'', ''= 0.7.1''
require_gem ''rails'', ''= 0.12.1''
these lines are after line
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ''boot'')
and rebooting after those changes, rails will start but will give
error : Rails application failed to start properly
Can somebody help me to use version 0.12.1 in my application
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