Rails core - Jul 2008

Thursday July 31 2008
4:12PM 7 Consider re-implementing ProtectedAttributeAssignmentError
Wednesday July 30 2008
2:48PM 0 config.load_paths should also be frozen
8:47AM 1 play boy sex videos
4:50AM 0 http://www.net4manpower.com looking for web developer
Tuesday July 29 2008
8:47PM 0 Rails::Initializer should assure ERB is loaded before reading database.yml
8:46PM 0 dispatcher should only be loaded if ActionController is defined
12:44PM 0 Desire Climax
12:25AM 0 Optimizing Our Results
Monday July 28 2008
11:50PM 0 Revolution and Evolution of the Internet for Marketing
6:53PM 1 ActionView::Helpers::FormOptionsHelper COUNTRIES constant controversially labels Taiwan a province of China
4:05AM 2 cookie session store does not generate a unique id
Sunday July 27 2008
5:44PM 0 Male tasting honey over naked female
3:05PM 0 #713: Actionize && Parameterize. Thoughts?
11:24AM 0 It's simple, easy, free and fun,
3:49AM 0 View this page: "some good movies"
3:48AM 0 View this page: "some movies"
Saturday July 26 2008
12:52AM 2 Edge Rails
Friday July 25 2008
3:59PM 6 Confusing dependencies
7:35AM 0 funny sex collections nude videos
3:20AM 0 updated manga today:naruto 410;bleach 319;one piece 508;Fairy Tail 96 ;To-LOVE-ru 108;Gantz 277
Thursday July 24 2008
12:23PM 0 Jessica Hardy
Wednesday July 23 2008
9:54AM 0 Bleach 319
Tuesday July 22 2008
9:26PM 0 Ruby On Rails!! San Francisco, CA, Closure on Friday rate- open/hr C2C 1 months +
1:15PM 0 Hidden Spy Camera in a TIE
12:32PM 0 Naruto 410
6:12AM 0 F1 coat,jacket,shirt At ,wholesaler Price (paypal accept) (www.super-saler.com)
3:52AM 0 HOW TO: Spy on someone during the festive season
Monday July 21 2008
11:13PM 4 unintuitive behaviour of AssocationCollection#first
12:42PM 2 About the recently i18n added to Rails and locale files
12:26PM 0 Air Gear 211
12:15PM 0 Check out this sleek external 320 GB hard drive!!
9:31AM 0 One Piece 508
8:48AM 0 Dynamic Scopes (was: Association Hash Conditions)
3:21AM 0 vc,paypal wholesaler (paypal accepted)(http://www.super-saler.com)
3:20AM 0 paypal wholesale sneaker (paypal accepted)(http://www.super-saler.com)
Sunday July 20 2008
1:09PM 1 Simplifying and fixing parameter parsing in Rails (Or: complex forms don't have to suck forever)
3:32AM 2 Should proxy_owner be eager loaded?
Saturday July 19 2008
11:25PM 0 Reconnect to another database in rails application
3:15PM 2 Prototype
9:57AM 0 CODE
Friday July 18 2008
3:41PM 1 Should mongrel be the default server?
2:38PM 0 D.Gray-Man 167
Thursday July 17 2008
3:33PM 0 Air Gear 210
12:27PM 0 Naruto 409
3:37AM 5 Documentation issues in Lighthouse
12:06AM 1 Consolidating the Helpers API
Wednesday July 16 2008
11:44PM 6 wiki.rubyonrails.org
9:48PM 1 has_many_through_associations bug when set_primary_key used
4:13PM 3 TemplateHandler API revision
Tuesday July 15 2008
11:35PM 0 help modifying validates_inclusion_of to accept a proc
6:24AM 5 Association Hash Conditions
Monday July 14 2008
5:38PM 27 RFC: associations with :accessible => true should allow updating
1:06PM 0 The Code One
11:03AM 0 Hellboy 2 The Golden Army
Sunday July 13 2008
2:27PM 0 George Carlin comedy
Saturday July 12 2008
9:45AM 2 It might be ORM problem
Friday July 11 2008
1:24PM 32 timestamped migrations
1:22PM 9 require 'application' loads it twice
12:10PM 0 manga
11:13AM 0 GemPlugins and classic plugins consistency
9:51AM 0 Vampire Knight 42
Thursday July 10 2008
3:18PM 0 Rachel Stevens
2:17PM 2 Mysql integer data types
Wednesday July 9 2008
5:47PM 1 Enjoy seeing pictures
12:08PM 0 One Piece 507
5:45AM 23 ActionController for Resources
12:55AM 14 ActiveModel::Validatable(Total Rewrite, Totally Awesome) - Request for comment on work in progress
Tuesday July 8 2008
7:59PM 1 [PATCH] script/plugin install -b BRANCH_OR_TAG git:....
11:46AM 0 Naruto 408
11:16AM 2 old ticket on trac, how to find on lighthouse?
Monday July 7 2008
8:20PM 1 config.gem implementation
7:52PM 2 Posting Multipart Forms Over ActiveResource
5:06PM 0 protect_from_forgery? does not quite useful to tell whether a controller is protect against forgery or not
2:16PM 0 One Piece 506
2:13PM 29 JavaScript and URL helpers need some love regarding best practices
Thursday July 3 2008
12:01PM 6 rails pollution
11:44AM 0 Naruto 407
9:14AM 2 Missing documentation problem in ActionController::Filters
1:40AM 0 ctiveResource: format patches to support serializing data out in the correct format with correct http request headers per http method type
1:18AM 7 rake db:create error:"Unknown database"
Wednesday July 2 2008
1:33PM 3 scaffolding a RESTful web service (rails2.1)
7:49AM 2 Add a profile model with User model - Edit Problem
5:43AM 3 Move transaction counter from Thread.current to the connection object