Rails core - May 2008

Saturday May 31 2008
8:57PM 1 Associations' dynamic finders fail with :order depends on :include
Thursday May 29 2008
2:52PM 0 Rails tool, let me know what you think
12:32PM 0 typography issue within validation messages
7:55AM 0 has_many associations and count
2:50AM 2 Format messages in validates_format_of
Wednesday May 28 2008
11:36AM 5 Gems as plugins and rails/init.rb
10:30AM 1 Security Problem in ActiveRecord
Tuesday May 27 2008
3:35AM 4 Loading plugin rake tasks before #{RAILS_ROOT}/lib/tasks
Sunday May 25 2008
5:59PM 2 Inconsistent before_create behavior
Saturday May 24 2008
3:48PM 1 Git Patches with Multiple Commits
1:25AM 4 Partial updates: why should validations run even if record won't be saved?
Friday May 23 2008
9:12PM 2 Not able to use block-setting of attributes via association
3:13PM 9 hacking rails core classes
8:10AM 2 List per-object methods with my_methods
Thursday May 22 2008
4:07PM 4 Why belongs_to doesn't have :select, :group, :offset and :limit options?
Wednesday May 21 2008
5:19PM 0 Update Lighthouse Pages
3:53PM 7 Failing Test in MySQL 5.0.51b
3:31PM 1 ticket incorrectly marked as spam
3:01PM 0 [PATCH] fire model callbacks before notifying observers
6:51AM 4 Failing activerecord tests on mysql 4.1
Tuesday May 20 2008
8:49PM 0 New add_counter_cache_column to ActiveRecord migrations
4:45PM 0 construct_finder_sql and :select option
7:53AM 1 how to download csv
Monday May 19 2008
4:38PM 2 is named_scope a implementation of has_finder?
Friday May 16 2008
5:22PM 1 Added :environment option to config.gem
7:53AM 0 Added fragment_exist? method
Thursday May 15 2008
7:34PM 0 Rails 2.1RC1 rake db:test:clone_structure blowing up with lots of migrations
4:50PM 1 display time in “US-Central” Format
1:17PM 17 time_zone_select: UTC or GMT?
9:16AM 9 HELP !!! RAils HTML sanitizer to remove html tags
4:15AM 4 Does RoR support Shift-JIS encoding
Tuesday May 13 2008
8:27PM 1 cache_template_extensions deprecated?
12:13PM 10 Why don't enable auto-reconnect while database connection lost?
Monday May 12 2008
8:46PM 3 saving dirty objects
8:29PM 17 The thing with Rails 2.0.991 version number
1:25AM 0 Has anyone used the thumb nail generator plugin
Sunday May 11 2008
6:57PM 4 Image buttons broken in form_remote_tag
2:45PM 1 [PATCH] caches_action extension (with :if and :layout keys)
10:23AM 0 Backporting changes to 2.0.x
Saturday May 10 2008
8:32PM 9 Sanitizers: How to enforce valid markup?
Friday May 9 2008
2:53PM 5 polymorphic_url and namespaces
12:28PM 1 Observers and notification order for associated records; bug or design?
9:49AM 3 Rails Lighthouse incorrectly marks my tickets as spam
Thursday May 8 2008
3:45PM 1 Bug in Rails Route Globbing
Wednesday May 7 2008
8:53AM 1 Assigning to the foreign key on a belongs_to association
Tuesday May 6 2008
8:04PM 2 Is it legal to override AR:Base#== and #eql?
1:06PM 1 how to create a link to download file from application
Monday May 5 2008
3:27PM 0 eager loading has_one fix
1:55PM 2 [Q] How to get authenticiy_token value?
Sunday May 4 2008
1:39AM 3 Lighthouse Rake Tasks
Saturday May 3 2008
10:56PM 4 Why isn't ActiveRecord::Base.configurations class_inheritable_accessor?
5:06PM 11 STI Patch to store full class name
12:24AM 4 ActionWebService
12:24AM 6 unbundled adapters & git
Friday May 2 2008
11:23PM 4 Validation levels: errors, warnings
1:52PM 3 New repository location for docrails
3:21AM 4 Patch needed for AR multiple associations on same table?
Thursday May 1 2008
5:20PM 1 (for 2.1) has_many :through .create with no parameters causes a "can't dup NilClass" error
4:42PM 4 Iterating over has_many objects with the :through association together
4:16PM 1 Best way to interface with XML databases
10:36AM 0 Patch for anyone using ActionCaching with multiple formats