Rails core - Nov 2007

Friday November 30 2007
9:19PM 0 [CruiseControl] RubyOnRails build 8245 failed
8:28PM 0 Store Your Files Online 2 GB for free!!!
6:32PM 0 [CruiseControl] RubyOnRails build 8244 failed
5:55PM 5 render_to_string in an after filter
5:04PM 0 visual_effect not taking parameters in RC2
6:51AM 0 [CruiseControl] RubyOnRails build 8243.6 failed
2:27AM 23 Rake tasks for development and testing
Thursday November 29 2007
5:45AM 0 send songs to ur friends
Wednesday November 28 2007
11:52PM 3 Validations :allow_empty feature
6:56PM 0 you have a problem about send & receive big file ?
2:54PM 0 nested namespaces in resources block?
Tuesday November 27 2007
4:36PM 1 Page caching for URLs with a trailing slash
8:58AM 0 Suggestion: add line number reference to this error message (routes)
6:58AM 13 Are plugins supposed to be loaded alphabetically?
5:05AM 0 nominate rails 2.0 needy docs
Monday November 26 2007
10:30PM 2 AssociationProxy#reset
8:55PM 0 submitted patch 10290 - add reset_tag helper method.
8:19PM 0 improved firebird support
6:14PM 0 Forget about burning CDs and using expensive overnight courier
5:28PM 0 Patch: more secure secret key generation for CookieStore
5:21PM 2 Rails 1.2.6 gem freeze fails with gem 0.9.5 system
12:54PM 3 can i get some patch reviewer for a fix to namespaced routes?
10:30AM 8 Cannot load MySQL fixtures for ActiveRecord unit tests
Sunday November 25 2007
8:13AM 0 .::: I found the best prices on airfair! :::.
7:44AM 0 Free Forum for FEMALES
3:34AM 22 Rails is wrong about 0000-00-00
Saturday November 24 2007
8:44PM 2 Namespaced Models
Friday November 23 2007
6:59PM 0 you have a problem about send & receive file ?
4:55AM 1 Strange Behaviour With Name-spaced Controller
Wednesday November 21 2007
3:47PM 0 Fishing for +1's on 10237
11:29AM 3 Support for OpenID::SETUP_NEEDED in open_id_authentication plugin
Tuesday November 20 2007
10:31PM 29 Don't make cookie-stored sessions a default
5:38PM 2 Anyone using to_xml and procs...
12:04PM 5 Sensible option hashes in ActionView::Helpers::FormOptionsHelper
Monday November 19 2007
1:58PM 4 Oracle adapter: datetime_select problem
10:26AM 3 purpose of ActiveRecord::Base.reset_subclasses?
6:00AM 2 tztime plugin resaving bug w/ fix
5:36AM 4 uninitialized constant ActiveRecord
5:34AM 0 Quick fix for obvious bug in plugin installer
Sunday November 18 2007
11:36PM 4 New Program Send Big File Fast and Easy Apply For FREE!!!
6:25PM 0 Unix and Windows Shared Hosting
Saturday November 17 2007
10:32PM 1 Forget about burning CDs and using expensive overnight courier.
4:31AM 2 Completely removing components from Rails 2.0 ( and possibly 1.2 stable )
Friday November 16 2007
9:44PM 0 Support for polymorphic fixture foxiness
8:50PM 0 Send Big File Fast and Easy Apply For FREE!!! ( New Service From yousendit )
8:02PM 1 Missing methods patch for Time::Calculations
6:49PM 1 small patch for attr_readonly
2:27AM 0 Employment Drug Tests
2:02AM 6 quick deprecation patch for Rails 2.0
Thursday November 15 2007
2:36PM 8 Active Resource - count
5:27AM 6 Merging Better Nested Set?
Wednesday November 14 2007
9:39PM 2 Exception Notification plugin options hash handling????? backwards merge?
8:18PM 0 test_cache_does_not_wrap_string_results_in_arrays
5:45PM 3 [DOC PATCH] Tiny Doc addition for those on leopard
4:17AM 16 db/schema.rb
12:57AM 2 run an individual active_record test?
Tuesday November 13 2007
10:32PM 2 Creating an app with a name different from its directory
10:23PM 0 [PATCH] Extend Hashes with + operator
7:54PM 0 Allowing validates_acceptance_of to store value on the database column
7:45PM 2 --without-gems gone, bogus warning in rails --help?
4:44PM 4 question about activerecord test_numeric_fields in base_test.rb
4:43PM 2 Active resource - find(:all) and the array type
Monday November 12 2007
8:45PM 10 versioning strategy
8:11PM 8 Upload - StringIO X FileTemp
5:30PM 1 rake test_firebird has queries using = NULL instead of is NULL
12:14PM 2 ActionView::Partials doesn't recognize not-yet-loaded HasManyThroughAssociationCollection
5:17AM 1 Possible bug
Sunday November 11 2007
6:24PM 9 Upgrade from PR1=> RC1: Windows crash
3:01PM 0 ******FREE DOWNLOADS Pics. n Vids.***********
Saturday November 10 2007
9:15PM 4 Question about Module#parent
Friday November 9 2007
9:57PM 3 schema.rb lacks ENGINE and CHARSET
8:57PM 17 ar validations cannot work unless transaction isolation level is serialzable
2:54PM 0 Trac error
Thursday November 8 2007
8:15PM 0 Blob support for firebird
7:03PM 1 Polymorphic url_for's and namespaces
3:55AM 0 mysql-ruby gem using significantly more memory that mysql.rb ?
2:58AM 0 Rails Systems Administrator
Wednesday November 7 2007
7:28PM 1 Serialization of ActiveRecord Instances: No Inheritance Column?
4:07AM 0 #7334: FIXTURES_DIR for db:fixtures:load
3:42AM 1 [PATCH] ActionController request domain/subdomains bug (Ticket 9479)
1:31AM 0 Ticket 10081: Request for Review
Tuesday November 6 2007
7:45PM 8 Nomination for Commit Rights
7:37AM 1 [PATCH] ActionController::CgiRequest#host_with_port() should handle standard port
3:09AM 1 Developers and Program Managers Needed Ruby on Rails, NYC, DOE Full-Time
1:59AM 0 2 quick doc patches looking for +1s or commits
1:59AM 16 manuals.rubyonrails.com, documentation and apathy
Monday November 5 2007
9:40PM 2 Tiny Doc Patch and +1's
Sunday November 4 2007
7:32PM 10 [PATCH] DRY up mysql/postgres yaml generators
6:44PM 1 Fix for today's broken Date test
3:25PM 0 Request for Subversion dump of Rails SVN Repos
3:14PM 4 Bad propagation of 1.2.5 gems
Friday November 2 2007
11:18PM 3 tumblr-0.0.1
11:06AM 2 [PATCH] Address shortcomings of changeset [8054]
4:37AM 1 ActionView::TestUnit
Thursday November 1 2007
9:17PM 1 List of Nth removed associated objects.