On 10/3/07, Kh William <yah2210@yahoo.com> wrote:>
> I''m a Web Designer with little knowledge of Ruby on
> Rails, but have been reading about it. I''m looking to
> expand my web skills and possibly build more advance
> web sites such as Reddit.com, Delicious, Eventful.com,
> or Digg.com. Now, I was looking at snippet tutorials
> on Rubyonrails.org and took notice.
This is not a good place to be asking these questions. This is a mailing
list for Ruby programmers to discuss the development of the framework. If
you want to discuss possible usages of Rails, direct your questions to
But does> rubyonrails require programming skills or can
> beginners like me learn rubyonrails and build skill
> level as I continue using the program.
It requires programing skill, especially if you''re trying to build the
Reddit, Delicious or Digg. You can start learning Ruby on sites like
http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/ or http://rubylearning.com/.
Now, don''t post to this thread anymore. Use rubyonrails-talk group for
next questions. Thanks
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