Elliott Sales de Andrade
2019-Jul-04 09:35 UTC
[R-sig-Fedora] Fwd: Fedora 31 System-Wide change proposal: Automatic R runtime dependencies
FYI, I plan on implementing this for F31 if no issues arise. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Ben Cotton <bcotton at redhat.com> Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2019 at 10:55 Subject: Fedora 31 System-Wide change proposal: Automatic R runtime dependencies To: <devel-announce at lists.fedoraproject.org>, Development discussions related to Fedora <devel at lists.fedoraproject.org> fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Automatic_R_runtime_dependencies == Summary = Packages of R libraries will produce a standard <code>R(packageName)</code> Provides, and Requires on these standard names will be added from library metadata. Standard provides will use the unmodified versions from the metadata. Suggested dependencies will not be automatically added, but can be opted in by the packager. == Owner =* Name: [[User:qulogic| Elliott Sales de Andrade]] * Email: quantum.analyst at gmail.com == Detailed Description = R libraries currently provide metadata indicating runtime requirements on other libraries in a <code>DESCRIPTION</code> file. Using RPM's file attributes and dependency generator support, these requirements can be added to packages automatically. These will use namespaced <code>Provides</code> of <code>R(packageName) = packageVersion</code> where <code>packageName</code> is the importable name of the package and <code>packageVersion</code> is the upstream version (note: upstream versions are often sanitized for Fedora since RPM cannot use dashes in versions.) R library metadata includes <code>Depends</code> and <code>Imports</code> which will be mapped to <code>Requires</code>. Metadata that specifies <code>Enhances</code> will be mapped directly to <code>Enhances</code>. Metadata that specifies <code>Suggests</code> will ''not'' be mapped to anything by default. Oftentimes, suggested libraries are used to indicate dependencies that are needed at build time only. Packagers who wish to include any actual runtime <code>Suggests</code> may opt in to adding them using a (TBD) flag or just continue to add <code>Suggests</code> manually. == Benefit to Fedora = This change provides a standard Provided name for R packages. This change helps users of R packages by providing the ''original'' version value (as opposed to the sanitized one for RPM.) This change reduces the amount of work packagers need to do keeping (R package) dependencies correct. == Scope = * Proposal owners: The automated dependency generator is [src.fedoraproject.org/fork/qulogic/rpms/R/blob/autodeps/f/R-deps.R available], but will need to be updated to provide the opt-in <code>Suggests</code>. The generator and file attributes will likely be housed in the RPM organization, and a new package will be created for it. R packages will need to be rebuilt after the generator is packaged, in order to ensure that they contain the new <code>Provides</code>. If the mass rebuild is not sufficient, this will be carried out in a side tag. * Other developers: Others are welcome to rebuild their packages once the generators are available, but it is not a requirement. * Release engineering: [pagure.io/releng/issue/8501 Releng issue 8501] * Policies and guidelines: R packaging guidelines should be updated to mention the new generator; this can be done after the implementation is done. * Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change) == Upgrade/compatibility impact = No impact expected. == How To Test = # Pick any R package in Fedora. # Attempt to install it. # Verify that automatic dependencies are correct, i.e., the package installed without missing dependencies, and the dependencies that were pulled in are the ones specified in its <code>DESCRIPTION</code> file. == User Experience = Users interested in R may install packages based on upstream's ''real'' version, and missing dependency annotations will be less likely to occur. == Dependencies = Move of code to RPM organization; it would be preferred to occur as early as possible, but is not a full blocker. These packages will need to be rebuilt: * COPASI * R-abind * R-acepack * R-affy * R-affydata * R-affyio * R-ALL * R-AnnotationDbi * R-ape * R-argon2 * R-ascii * R-askpass * R-assertthat * R-AUC * R-backports * R-base64enc * R-Bessel * R-BH * R-biglm * R-bindr * R-bindrcpp * R-Biobase * R-BiocGenerics * R-BiocParallel * R-biomaRt * R-Biostrings * R-bit * R-bit64 * R-bitops * R-blob * R-brew * R-BSgenome * R-BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce2 * R-BufferedMatrix * R-BufferedMatrixMethods * R-Cairo * R-callr * R-car * R-caTools * R-cellranger * R-chron * R-cli * R-cliapp * R-clipr * R-clisymbols * R-coda * R-colorspace * R-combinat * R-commonmark * R-corpus * R-crayon * R-curl * R-data.table * R-date * R-DBI * R-dbplyr * R-debugme * R-DelayedArray * R-deldir * R-desc * R-dichromat * R-diffobj * R-digest * R-disposables * R-doParallel * R-dplyr * R-dtplyr * R-DynDoc * R-ellipsis * R-errors * R-evaluate * R-expm * R-fansi * R-farver * R-fastmatch * R-fibroEset * R-filehash * R-FMStable * R-foghorn * R-fontBitstreamVera * R-fontLiberation * R-forcats * R-foreach * R-formatR * R-fortunes * R-fs * R-fts * R-futile.logger * R-futile.options * R-future * R-gamlss.dist * R-gapminder * R-gdata * R-gdtools * R-gee * R-geepack * R-generics * R-GenomeInfoDb * R-GenomeInfoDbData * R-GenomicAlignments * R-GenomicFeatures * R-GenomicRanges * R-getPass * R-ggplot2 * R-ggplot2movies * R-gh * R-git2r * R-globals * R-glue * R-gmailr * R-gmp * R-gplots * R-gsl * R-gss * R-gtable * R-gtools * R-haven * R-here * R-hexbin * R-hgu133acdf * R-hgu95av2cdf * R-hgu95av2probe * R-highlight * R-highr * R-hms * R-htmltools * R-htmlwidgets * R-httpuv * R-httr * R-hunspell * R-igraph * R-import * R-ini * R-inline * R-IRanges * R-IRdisplay * R-IRkernel * R-iterators * R-itertools * R-jose * R-jpeg * R-jqr * R-jsonlite * R-knitr * R-labeling * R-lambda.r * R-later * R-lazyeval * R-lintr * R-listenv * R-littler * R-lmodel2 * R-lmtest * R-lokern * R-lubridate * R-maanova * R-magrittr * R-mapproj * R-maps * R-mAr * R-markdown * R-matrixStats * R-measurements * R-memoise * R-microbenchmark * R-mime * R-miniUI * R-mlbench * R-mnormt * R-mockery * R-mockr * R-msm * R-multcomp * R-multtest * R-munsell * R-mvtnorm * R-nanotime * R-ncdf4 * R-NISTunits * R-nws * R-nycflights13 * R-openssl * R-orcutt * R-packrat * R-parsedate * R-pbdRPC * R-pbdZMQ * R-pdftools * R-pillar * R-pingr * R-pkgbuild * R-pkgconfig * R-pkgdown * R-pkgload * R-plogr * R-pls * R-plyr * R-png * R-poLCA * R-polyclip * R-polynom * R-praise * R-preprocessCore * R-prettycode * R-prettydoc * R-prettyunits * R-processx * R-progress * R-promises * R-ps * R-purrr * R-qcc * R-qpdf * R-qtl * R-quadprog * R-quantities * R-qvalue * R-R6 * R-rappdirs * R-R.cache * R-rcmdcheck * R-RColorBrewer * R-Rcompression * R-Rcpp * R-RcppCCTZ * R-RCurl * R-R.devices * R-readr * R-readxl * R-rematch * R-rematch2 * R-remotes * R-repr * R-reprex * R-reshape * R-reshape2 * R-reticulate * R-rex * R-rgdal * R-rgeos * R-rhub * R-RInside * R-rlang * R-rlecuyer * R-RM2 * R-rmarkdown * R-R.methodsS3 * R-Rmpfr * R-ROC * R-RODBC * R-R.oo * R-roxygen2 * R-rprintf * R-rprojroot * R-R.rsp * R-Rsamtools * R-rsconnect * R-Rsolid * R-RSQLite * R-rstudioapi * R-rsvg * R-rtracklayer * R-RUnit * R-R.utils * R-rversions * R-rvest * R-S4Vectors * R-sandwich * R-scales * R-scatterplot3d * R-sciplot * R-selectr * R-sessioninfo * R-sfsmisc * R-shiny * R-showtext * R-showtextdb * R-simmer * R-snow * R-sodium * R-sourcetools * R-sp * R-spelling * R-statmod * R-statnet.common * R-stringdist * R-stringi * R-stringr * R-styler * R-SummarizedExperiment * R-svglite * R-sys * R-sysfonts * R-systemfit * R-testit * R-testthat * R-tibble * R-tidyr * R-tidyselect * R-tikzDevice * R-timeDate * R-timeSeries * R-tinytest * R-tinytex * R-tkrplot * R-tkWidgets * R-tufte * R-tweenr * R-udunits2 * R-unitizer * R-units * R-unix * R-usethis * R-utf8 * R-uuid * R-V8 * R-vctrs * R-viridisLite * R-waveslim * R-wavethresh * R-webp * R-webutils * R-whisker * R-whoami * R-widgetTools * R-withr * R-xfun * R-XML * R-xml2 * R-xopen * R-xtable * R-XVector * R-yaml * R-zeallot * R-zoo * libsbml * libsedml * libnuml * shogun == Contingency Plan = * Contingency mechanism: The side tag will not be merged, or if a side tag is deemed unnecessary, the generator will not be installed, and any built packages will be re-built without it. * Contingency deadline: Beta Freeze * Blocks release? No == Documentation = See [lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel at lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/VQ5F3S3BGKK3AOZDANNW7AGVCMS2CKM4 mailing list discussion]. -- Ben Cotton He / Him / His Fedora Program Manager Red Hat TZ=America/Indiana/Indianapolis _______________________________________________ devel mailing list -- devel at lists.fedoraproject.org To unsubscribe send an email to devel-leave at lists.fedoraproject.org Fedora Code of Conduct: docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/project/code-of-conduct List Guidelines: fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines List Archives: lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel at lists.fedoraproject.org -- Elliott
José Abílio Matos
2019-Jul-04 10:05 UTC
[R-sig-Fedora] Fwd: Fedora 31 System-Wide change proposal: Automatic R runtime dependencies
On Thursday, 4 July 2019 10.35.18 WEST Elliott Sales de Andrade wrote:> FYI, I plan on implementing this for F31 if no issues arise.Are there are any R packages, other than those built in R itself, that are not affected by this change? :-) Because I think that in this case the list of affected packages would be all the packages with R subpackages. Or am I misunderstanding the details? BTW nice job. :-) Best regards, -- Jos? Ab?lio
Elliott Sales de Andrade
2019-Jul-04 20:27 UTC
[R-sig-Fedora] Fwd: Fedora 31 System-Wide change proposal: Automatic R runtime dependencies
On Thu, 4 Jul 2019 at 06:05, Jos? Ab?lio Matos <jamatos at fc.up.pt> wrote:> > On Thursday, 4 July 2019 10.35.18 WEST Elliott Sales de Andrade wrote: > > FYI, I plan on implementing this for F31 if no issues arise. > > Are there are any R packages, other than those built in R itself, that are not > affected by this change? :-) >Oh, actually, I forgot to mention R in that list...> Because I think that in this case the list of affected packages would be all > the packages with R subpackages. Or am I misunderstanding the details? >Yes, it is all packages with R subpackages. There are no required changes to the specs, just a rebuild, unless FPC mandates removing duplicate Requires.> BTW nice job. :-) > > Best regards, > -- > Jos? Ab?lio > > _______________________________________________ > R-SIG-Fedora mailing list > R-SIG-Fedora at r-project.org > stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-fedora-- Elliott