Displaying 18 results from an estimated 18 matches for "bsgenome".
2010 Aug 30
S4 Method Rd Warning
...ious problem where I get a warning in R CMD check which is seemingly not relevant to my Rd file.
The warning says :
* checking Rd \usage sections ... WARNING
Bad \usage lines found in documentation object 'enrichmentCalc':
<unescaped bksl>S4method{enrichmentCalc}{GenomeDataList, BSgenome}(rs, organism, seqLen=NULL, ...)
<unescaped bksl>S4method{enrichmentCalc}{GenomeData, BSgenome}(rs, organism, seqLen=NULL, do.warn=FALSE)
<unescaped bksl>S4method{enrichmentCalc}{GRanges, BSgenome}(rs, organism, seqLen=NULL)
Functions with \usage entries need to have the approp...
2010 Aug 30
S4 Method Rd Warning
...ious problem where I get a warning in R CMD check which is seemingly not relevant to my Rd file.
The warning says :
* checking Rd \usage sections ... WARNING
Bad \usage lines found in documentation object 'enrichmentCalc':
<unescaped bksl>S4method{enrichmentCalc}{GenomeDataList, BSgenome}(rs, organism, seqLen=NULL, ...)
<unescaped bksl>S4method{enrichmentCalc}{GenomeData, BSgenome}(rs, organism, seqLen=NULL, do.warn=FALSE)
<unescaped bksl>S4method{enrichmentCalc}{GRanges, BSgenome}(rs, organism, seqLen=NULL)
Functions with \usage entries need to have the approp...
2015 Apr 18
truncated warning messages
I was installing hundreds of packages on a machine with a single call to
install.packages() and after a long time the call to install.packages()
finally returned with the following warnings and errors:
Warning messages:
1: packages ?hgu133aprobe?, ?hgu95av2.db?, ?BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce2?,
?BSgenome.Scerevisiae.UCSC.sacCer2?, ?BSgenome.Hsapiens.NCBI.GRCh38?,
2010 Aug 25
Documenting S4 Methods
I'm in the process of converting some S3 methods to S4 methods.
I have this function :
setGeneric("enrichmentCalc", function(rs, organism, seqLen, ...){standardGeneric("enrichmentCalc")})
setMethod("enrichmentCalc", c("GenomeDataList", "BSgenome"), function(rs, organism, seqLen, ...) {
... ... ...
setMethod("enrichmentCalc", c("GenomeData", "BSgenome"), function(rs, organism, seqLen=NULL, do.warn=FALSE) {
... ... ...
2020 Jun 09
R 4.0.0 rebuild status
Over the last several days, I've been working hard to get all of the Fedora
R packages rebuilt against R 4.0 in rawhide (in the F33-R-4 side tag). With
the exception of R-biomaRt, R-BSgenome, R-GenomicAlignments, and
R-rtracklayer, I believe everything is built and updated to the latest
versions. And of those packages, they're all ready to go when Fedora
infrastructure is working reliably again (the great datacenter migration
has started and I can no longer git push). I'll also...
2010 Oct 01
[Help]:How to use "loop" to achieve this aim?
...how to use "loop" to make the process automatic and fast?
When compute each sample, the script type in R almost the same, just the
input and output file's name is changed(chr1 change to chr2, chr3,chr4...).
The first sample's script like this:
>chr1=MEDIPS.readAlignedSeqences(BSgenome="hg19", file="chr1",numrows= )
>chr1=MEDIPS.genomeVector(data=chr1, bin_size=50,extend=250)
>write.table(frameschr1.frame500.step250, file="frames.chr1.meth.txt",
sep="\T", quote=F, col.names=T, row.names=F)
The second sample's script like...
2011 Apr 15
Whole genome searching of 100bp "D" sequence
...test if
there are coding sequences or exons in hg19 which match a string of 100bp
"D" i.e. [A,G or T]. However I'm getting a strange result.
I get a hit on chr7, using the 100bp search however when I search with 60bp
sequence of "D" I don't get any hits.
#extract the alignments which match real genes
#(add this onto stefans script … req to buid the gr object using the regions
from the BSgenome...
2013 Jun 26
Error on executing functions from installed package
...ht into the above problem would be highly
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.0.0 (2013-04-03)
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
[1] C
attached base packages:
[1] parallel stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods
[8] base
other attached packages:
[1] BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18_1.3.19 BSgenome_1.28.0
[3] methylPipe_0.99.0 Rsamtools_1.12.3
[5] Biostrings_2.28.0 GenomicRanges_1.12.4
[7] IRanges_1.18.1 GOstats_2.26.0
[9] RSQLite_0.11.4 DBI_0.2-7
[11] graph_1.38.2...
2012 Nov 02
unedited copy/paste from install.packages man page to update.packages man page
..." would seem more appropriate.
- But more importantly, is repos = NULL really supported for
update.packages? I wonder where I need to place the local files
for this to work. I tried to put them in the current working
directory but that didn't work:
> packageVersion("BSgenome")
[1] ?1.27.1?
> dir()
[1] "BSgenome_2.0.0.tar.gz"
> update.packages(repos=NULL)
This description of the 'repos' arg looks more like a copy/paste from
the man page for install.packages that needed some edit.
- Another copy/paste is the \examp...
2010 Aug 23
DNA sequence Fst
I want to analyse DNA sequence data (mtDNA) in R as in calculate Fst,
Heterozygosity and such summary statistics. Package Adagenet converts the
DNA sequence into retaining only retaining the polymorphic sites and then
calcuates Fst.. but is there any other way to do this? I mean analyse the
DNA sequence as it is.. and calculate the statistics?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2020 Jun 09
R 4.0.0 rebuild status
On Tue, 9 Jun 2020 at 04:42, Tom Callaway <tcallawa at redhat.com> wrote:
> Over the last several days, I've been working hard to get all of the Fedora
> R packages rebuilt against R 4.0 in rawhide (in the F33-R-4 side tag). With
> the exception of R-biomaRt, R-BSgenome, R-GenomicAlignments, and
> R-rtracklayer, I believe everything is built and updated to the latest
> versions. And of those packages, they're all ready to go when Fedora
> infrastructure is working reliably again (the great datacenter migration
> has started and I can no longer git...
2020 Jul 06
R 4.0.0 rebuild status
On Tuesday, 9 June 2020 03.40.52 WEST Tom Callaway wrote:
> Over the last several days, I've been working hard to get all of the Fedora
> R packages rebuilt against R 4.0 in rawhide (in the F33-R-4 side tag). With
> the exception of R-biomaRt, R-BSgenome, R-GenomicAlignments, and
> R-rtracklayer, I believe everything is built and updated to the latest
> versions. And of those packages, they're all ready to go when Fedora
> infrastructure is working reliably again (the great datacenter migration
> has started and I can no longer git...
2019 Jul 04
Fwd: Fedora 31 System-Wide change proposal: Automatic R runtime dependencies
* R-AnnotationDbi
* R-ape
* R-argon2
* R-ascii
* R-askpass
* R-assertthat
* R-backports
* R-base64enc
* R-Bessel
* R-BH
* R-biglm
* R-bindr
* R-bindrcpp
* R-Biobase
* R-BiocGenerics
* R-BiocParallel
* R-biomaRt
* R-Biostrings
* R-bit
* R-bit64
* R-bitops
* R-blob
* R-brew
* R-BSgenome
* R-BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce2
* R-BufferedMatrix
* R-BufferedMatrixMethods
* R-Cairo
* R-callr
* R-car
* R-caTools
* R-cellranger
* R-chron
* R-cli
* R-cliapp
* R-clipr
* R-clisymbols
* R-coda
* R-colorspace
* R-combinat
* R-commonmark
* R-corpus
* R-crayon
* R-curl
* R-data.table
* R-date
* R-DBI...
2010 Oct 09
A competition to create a recommendation engine for R packages
Hello everyone.
There is a new competition, outlined on the blog
inviting us to analyse statistics of the use of R packages (collected from
52 R users), to create a R-package suggestion engine for ourselves.
Since I noticed several bloggers already wrote about it (as I have detailed
2020 Jul 06
R 4.0.0 rebuild status
...t; wrote:
> On Tuesday, 9 June 2020 03.40.52 WEST Tom Callaway wrote:
> > Over the last several days, I've been working hard to get all of the
> Fedora
> > R packages rebuilt against R 4.0 in rawhide (in the F33-R-4 side tag).
> With
> > the exception of R-biomaRt, R-BSgenome, R-GenomicAlignments, and
> > R-rtracklayer, I believe everything is built and updated to the latest
> > versions. And of those packages, they're all ready to go when Fedora
> > infrastructure is working reliably again (the great datacenter migration
> > has started and...
2007 Oct 30
trouble installing building packages from source using R 2.6.0 on Ubuntu Gutsy AMD64
I have recently upgraded to Ubuntu Gutsy and, for the first time, am
using a 64-bit installation. After failing miserably to install R from
source, not a problem for me in the past with a 32-bit install, I went
the route of using the Debian Etch build. This went smoothly, but I am
unable to update my numerous R and BioConductor packages, getting
non-zero exit status errors on each package. Is
2010 Feb 24
build, data and vignettes
Based on some testing it seems to me that if I have a package with
a dataset in /data
a Sweave vignette in inst/doc (but no associated pdf file)
the vignette loads the data in /data through
and I do a
R CMD build
R will try to build the pdf version of the vignette, but will be
unable to find the dataset in data because the package is not yet
installed. However, if I do
2010 Aug 24
mlm for within subject design
...dential. Any use...{{dropped:8}}
--Forwarded Message Attachment--
From: croosen at mango-solutions.com
To: bluejay948 at gmail.com; r-help at r-project.org
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 13:20:01 +0100
Subject: Re: [R] DNA sequence Fst
Take a look at the Bioconductor packages, particularly "BSgenome". If
that isn't specific enough, you might want to try the Bioconductor
mailing list rather than "R-help".
bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch
Best regards,
Charlie Roosen
Mango Solutions