On 17 November 2007 at 15:16, Sebastian P. Luque wrote:
| Hi,
| I've been using r (the little, but sweet one!), and recently found out
It's also way cuter than the ugly Rscript. But heck, I'm one of the
so I had to say that :)
| about the magic argv vector of the rest of arguments passed to it. How
| can we process an argument that represents elements of a vector:
| $ r littler_ex.R 14 '3, 2'
| Error in ff * ss : non-numeric argument to binary operator
| where:
| ,-----[ cat ~/scripts/R/littler_ex.R ]
| | ff <- as.numeric(argv[1])
| | ss <- c(argv[2])
| | print(ff * ss)
| `-----
You're almost there -- just use 'as.numeric' on ss too:
edd at ron:~> cat /tmp/seb.r
#!/usr/bin/env r
ff <- as.numeric(argv[1])
ss <- as.numeric(argv[2])
print(ff * ss)
edd at ron:~> /tmp/seb.r 2 3
[1] 6
edd at ron:~>
There are a few examples of argv use in the examples directory:
edd at ron:~> grep -c argv /usr/share/doc/littler/examples/*r
Hope this helps, Dirk
Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.