R help - Apr 2023

Sunday April 30 2023
9:03PM 2 NaN response with gam (mgcv library)
Saturday April 29 2023
1:01PM 1 grubbs test to detect all outliers
12:05PM 1 grubbs test to detect all outliers
Friday April 28 2023
3:35PM 1 grubbs test to detect all outliers
1:09PM 2 grubbs test to detect all outliers
1:04PM 1 grDevices::hcl.colors using two colours: Bug or Feature?
10:23AM 1 grDevices::hcl.colors using two colours: Bug or Feature?
10:18AM 1 grDevices::hcl.colors using two colours: Bug or Feature?
10:07AM 2 grDevices::hcl.colors using two colours: Bug or Feature?
9:51AM 2 grDevices::hcl.colors using two colours: Bug or Feature?
5:01AM 1 grDevices::hcl.colors using two colours: Bug or Feature?
Thursday April 27 2023
12:26AM 2 knitr and tinytex
Wednesday April 26 2023
8:31PM 1 Bias and variance tradeoff
9:13AM 2 Error on using Confint function to calculate 95% CI
1:37AM 1 Error on using Confint function to calculate 95% CI
Tuesday April 25 2023
2:36PM 0 problem in arfima in forecast...
1:43PM 1 diamonds data set from ggplot2
9:09AM 2 diamonds data set from ggplot2
Monday April 24 2023
1:14PM 1 Creating methods
1:07PM 1 Creating methods
12:03PM 1 Circular plot - polar plot code questions
Sunday April 23 2023
8:14PM 0 Help with bootstrap sampling with rms package in R
5:19PM 2 Circular plot - polar plot code questions
Saturday April 22 2023
7:41PM 2 problem installing RUcausal library
5:42PM 1 problem installing RGBL library
4:35PM 1 problem installing RGBL library
4:30PM 1 problem installing RGBL library
4:27PM 1 problem installing RGBL library
4:12PM 1 problem installing RGBL library
4:07PM 1 problem installing RGBL library
11:35AM 0 Query about code
7:46AM 1 package elevatr doesn't contain get_elev_raster()
7:18AM 1 package elevatr doesn't contain get_elev_raster()
1:15AM 1 detect and replace outliers by the average
Friday April 21 2023
11:30PM 1 detect and replace outliers by the average
10:44PM 2 Requesting solution for R package
10:38PM 2 Query about code
10:22PM 1 Query about code
7:35PM 1 Query about code
8:42AM 1 detect and replace outliers by the averaged
8:25AM 0 [Rd] R 4.3.0 is released
8:08AM 1 glm.nb and Error in x[good, , drop = FALSE] * w : non-conformable arrays
7:02AM 1 glm.nb and Error in x[good, , drop = FALSE] * w : non-conformable arrays
Thursday April 20 2023
7:08PM 1 detect and replace outliers by the average
6:58PM 1 detect and replace outliers by the average
6:55PM 1 detect and replace outliers by the average
6:46PM 1 detect and replace outliers by the average
6:44PM 1 detect and replace outliers by the average
6:43PM 1 detect and replace outliers by the average
6:36PM 2 detect and replace outliers by the average
11:58AM 1 Plot R graphs in aws
11:43AM 1 Plot R graphs in aws
8:11AM 1 Warning message: In length(barlist) == 1 && as.character(barlist[[1]][[2]]) == "1"
Wednesday April 19 2023
7:03PM 0 running a function repeatedly on error....
5:29PM 1 AIc and BIC in caret...
4:57PM 2 running a function repeatedly on error....
2:40PM 2 AIc and BIC in caret...
1:50PM 1 AIc and BIC in caret...
Sunday April 16 2023
10:19PM 2 Package Caret
9:44PM 1 Package Caret
8:56PM 1 Package Caret
Friday April 14 2023
9:24AM 1 Package Caret
8:16AM 0 R-error
7:49AM 1 Package Caret
7:45AM 2 Package Caret
7:05AM 1 Package Caret
6:56AM 1 Package Caret
6:47AM 1 Package Caret
4:51AM 1 Package Caret
Thursday April 13 2023
8:40PM 1 Dowland mistake
6:40PM 1 Split String in regex while Keeping Delimiter
7:27AM 0 R-error
Wednesday April 12 2023
10:03PM 2 Split String in regex while Keeping Delimiter
7:38PM 1 converting a character matrix into numeric....
7:29PM 1 converting a character matrix into numeric....
7:16PM 1 converting a character matrix into numeric....
6:57PM 1 converting a character matrix into numeric....
5:47PM 1 Split String in regex while Keeping Delimiter
3:08PM 1 converting to date object...
3:03PM 1 converting to date object...
2:50PM 1 converting to date object...
2:34PM 3 converting to date object...
12:16PM 1 aborting the execution of a script...
12:13PM 1 aborting the execution of a script...
12:05PM 1 aborting the execution of a script...
11:03AM 1 aborting the execution of a script...
8:29AM 3 Split String in regex while Keeping Delimiter
8:18AM 0 DNAmixturesLite and KinMixLite
8:04AM 1 R-error
6:38AM 1 Matrix scalar operation that saves memory?
4:34AM 1 Matrix scalar operation that saves memory?
3:54AM 1 Matrix scalar operation that saves memory?
3:39AM 1 Matrix scalar operation that saves memory?
2:21AM 2 Matrix scalar operation that saves memory?
Monday April 10 2023
3:31PM 1 Retirement/archiving of rgdal, rgeos and maptools October 2023
Sunday April 9 2023
10:06PM 1 can't install nser...
9:55PM 1 can't install nser...
7:23PM 1 extracting pdf tables...
7:03PM 1 extracting pdf tables...
6:57PM 1 extracting pdf tables...
6:43PM 1 extracting pdf tables...
6:27PM 1 extracting pdf tables...
5:49PM 1 extracting pdf tables...
5:22PM 1 extracting pdf tables...
10:46AM 1 simultaneous confidence intervals for multinomial proportions: sample size
Friday April 7 2023
1:18AM 2 R does not run under latest RStudio
Thursday April 6 2023
9:29PM 2 R does not run under latest RStudio
2:22PM 1 R does not run under latest RStudio
10:49AM 4 R does not run under latest RStudio
10:21AM 2 R does not run under latest RStudio
10:21AM 1 R does not run under latest RStudio
9:28AM 4 R does not run under latest RStudio
9:15AM 1 "prob" package alternative
Wednesday April 5 2023
9:12AM 1 on lexical scoping....
5:00AM 1 on lexical scoping....
Tuesday April 4 2023
11:53PM 2 on lexical scoping....
11:06PM 2 on lexical scoping....
3:19PM 1 on lexical scoping....
2:59PM 1 on lexical scoping....
2:51PM 1 on lexical scoping....
2:44PM 1 on lexical scoping....
2:35PM 1 on lexical scoping....
2:28PM 1 on lexical scoping....
2:21PM 1 on lexical scoping....
2:18PM 1 on lexical scoping....
2:18PM 1 on lexical scoping....
2:13PM 1 on lexical scoping....
1:56PM 6 on lexical scoping....
12:20PM 1 Simple Stacking of Two Columns
6:24AM 1 "prob" package alternative
1:28AM 1 Simple Stacking of Two Columns
Monday April 3 2023
8:39PM 1 Simple Stacking of Two Columns
4:26PM 1 Simple Stacking of Two Columns
4:23PM 1 Simple Stacking of Two Columns
3:44PM 1 Simple Stacking of Two Columns
3:08PM 4 Simple Stacking of Two Columns
12:23PM 0 Should help of estimate in t.test be corrected?
11:24AM 1 Should help of estimate in t.test be corrected?
10:10AM 2 Should help of estimate in t.test be corrected?
Sunday April 2 2023
9:39PM 1 Should help of estimate in t.test be corrected?
4:30PM 1 Count matrix of GSE146049
4:28PM 1 Count matrix of GSE146049
3:09PM 2 Count matrix of GSE146049
Saturday April 1 2023
6:05PM 1 weird things in seqMK() and sqmk()