R help - Dec 2016

Saturday December 31 2016
11:57PM 0 GEOquery
Tuesday December 13 2016
12:51AM 1 output
12:25AM 1 how do I define a function which is equivalent to `deparse(substitute(x))`?
Monday December 12 2016
11:58PM 0 how do I define a function which is equivalent to `deparse(substitute(x))`?
11:41PM 2 how do I define a function which is equivalent to `deparse(substitute(x))`?
10:07PM 0 how do I define a function which is equivalent to `deparse(substitute(x))`?
9:54PM 1 Log plus one transformation in R
5:26PM 0 Log plus one transformation in R
5:26PM 3 Log plus one transformation in R
5:10PM 0 Reshape to wide format
5:05PM 0 Log plus one transformation in R
4:53PM 5 Log plus one transformation in R
4:37PM 0 Log plus one transformation in R
4:23PM 5 Log plus one transformation in R
5:54AM 2 why does parent.frame() cycle when called from inside capture.output()?
4:53AM 0 how do I define a function which is equivalent to `deparse(substitute(x))`?
1:35AM 5 how do I define a function which is equivalent to `deparse(substitute(x))`?
Sunday December 11 2016
8:22PM 0 Announcing eulerr 1.0.0
7:08PM 0 [FORGED] help with gradient boxplot
3:20PM 0 Assign a list to one column of data frame
3:01PM 1 Assign a list to one column of data frame
2:52PM 0 Assign a list to one column of data frame
1:25PM 0 Function implemented in R returns the wrong value
11:54AM 2 Assign a list to one column of data frame
11:03AM 0 Assign a list to one column of data frame
8:46AM 0 how do I define a function which is equivalent to `deparse(substitute(x))`?
6:24AM 2 how do I define a function which is equivalent to `deparse(substitute(x))`?
3:18AM 2 Assign a list to one column of data frame
Saturday December 10 2016
9:57PM 1 Odd behaviour of mean() with a numeric column in a tibble
7:01PM 3 Function implemented in R returns the wrong value
3:25PM 0 Error: XYZ is not an exported object
3:13PM 2 See section 'Good practice' in '?data'.
2:47PM 3 Error: XYZ is not an exported object
7:32AM 3 Organize regression output
7:04AM 1 Overlapping of arrow in PCA
Friday December 9 2016
11:20PM 2 package ‘Rccp’ is not available (for R version 3.3.2)
10:45PM 1 glmnet error: no-comfortable arguments
9:39PM 2 [FORGED] help with gradient boxplot
6:26PM 0 "Safe" use of iterator (package iterators)
6:20PM 1 vegan NMDS labels
5:15PM 2 "Safe" use of iterator (package iterators)
8:02AM 1 issue overlaying a contour plot on map
5:55AM 0 sample train and test data using dplyr
1:16AM 1 creating possible cominations of a vector's elements
1:12AM 0 creating possible cominations of a vector's elements
Thursday December 8 2016
11:51PM 0 creating possible cominations of a vector's elements
11:02PM 5 creating possible cominations of a vector's elements
10:24PM 0 [FORGED] help with gradient boxplot
10:22PM 0 .External2(C_savehistory, file) : no history available to save
10:13PM 2 [FORGED] help with gradient boxplot
6:56PM 3 R problem
6:27PM 1 are R packages safe?
6:24PM 0 are R packages safe?
6:16PM 1 are R packages safe?
6:13PM 0 are R packages safe?
6:08PM 4 are R packages safe?
6:05PM 2 are R packages safe?
6:04PM 0 are R packages safe?
5:55PM 0 are R packages safe?
5:53PM 3 sample train and test data using dplyr
5:47PM 5 are R packages safe?
5:45PM 0 sample train and test data using dplyr
5:17PM 0 double metaphone for non-English languages
4:57PM 2 sample train and test data using dplyr
2:20PM 1 Benefit of Iterators (package iterator)
Wednesday December 7 2016
10:03PM 3 Can you get the DEFT from svyratio?
8:12PM 0 R XML package on RHEL
7:21PM 1 R XML package on RHEL
6:53PM 0 R XML package on RHEL
5:53PM 1 Help with Error Messages
5:12PM 0 Polygon to raster with large data set
5:03PM 0 Help!
3:04PM 0 MC_CORES and mc.cores for parallel package
2:41PM 0 calculate correlations
2:26PM 3 MC_CORES and mc.cores for parallel package
1:00PM 2 R XML package on RHEL
11:58AM 2 how to randomly select the samples with different probabilities for different classes?
11:46AM 2 Help!
11:26AM 2 calculate correlations
12:43AM 0 [FORGED] help with gradient boxplot
Tuesday December 6 2016
11:23PM 0 Odd behaviour of mean() with a numeric column in a tibble
10:34PM 0 1: Setting LC_CTYPE failed, using "C"
10:10PM 3 Odd behaviour of mean() with a numeric column in a tibble
9:40PM 0 Odd behaviour of mean() with a numeric column in a tibble
9:26PM 2 Odd behaviour of mean() with a numeric column in a tibble
9:06PM 0 CONFUSSING WITH select[!miss] <- 1:sum(!miss)
8:14PM 2 help with gradient boxplot
8:00PM 0 Polygon to raster with large data set
7:49PM 1 Why is DocumentTermMatrix showing 0 term?
7:28PM 0 Why is DocumentTermMatrix showing 0 term?
6:41PM 1 Write a function that allows access to columns of a passeddataframe.
6:18PM 4 CONFUSSING WITH select[!miss] <- 1:sum(!miss)
5:20PM 2 Why is DocumentTermMatrix showing 0 term?
3:57PM 0 Write a function that allows access to columns of a passeddataframe.
3:40PM 1 memory allocation problem
3:33PM 0 Write a function that allows access to columns of a passeddataframe.
3:26PM 0 (no subject)
3:25PM 0 Why is DocumentTermMatrix showing 0 term?
3:08PM 2 Why is DocumentTermMatrix showing 0 term?
3:03PM 3 Write a function that allows access to columns of a passeddataframe.
2:29PM 0 Why is DocumentTermMatrix showing 0 term?
2:28PM 0 Write a function that allows access to columns of a passeddataframe.
2:09PM 3 Why is DocumentTermMatrix showing 0 term?
1:32PM 1 New R package on CRAN: productivity (0.1.0)
1:05PM 1 Forecast Modeling using R model node in SPSS Modeler
12:57PM 0 Why is DocumentTermMatrix showing 0 term?
11:47AM 1 (no subject)
11:18AM 0 drawing a ... barplot (?) along time
10:28AM 2 drawing a ... barplot (?) along time
10:17AM 0 create list of vectors in for loop
9:44AM 3 create list of vectors in for loop
8:17AM 3 Write a function that allows access to columns of a passed dataframe.
6:20AM 3 LaTeX errors when creating PDF version.
6:12AM 1 Using ggplot2 to plot percentages in bar chart.
Monday December 5 2016
10:56PM 0 Using ggplot2 to plot percentages in bar chart.
10:46PM 3 Using ggplot2 to plot percentages in bar chart.
9:49PM 0 Write a function that allows access to columns of a passed dataframe.
9:46PM 2 Write a function that allows access to columns of a passed dataframe.
9:34PM 0 Write a function that allows access to columns of a passed dataframe.
9:31PM 0 Forecast Modeling using R model node in SPSS Modeler
9:09PM 2 Forecast Modeling using R model node in SPSS Modeler
9:01PM 0 scatter plot of numerical variables against different sample ids
8:22PM 0 Revolutions blog: November 2016 roundup
7:16PM 2 Using ggplot2 to plot percentages in bar chart.
5:53PM 3 Write a function that allows access to columns of a passed dataframe.
5:09PM 0 Write a function that allows access to columns of a passed dataframe.
4:57PM 0 Followup [Can't install or upgrade the "PKI" package on a Debian testing system]
4:05PM 0 ggplot2, qplot, problems
3:36PM 0 Write a function that allows access to columns of a passed dataframe.
3:29PM 5 Write a function that allows access to columns of a passed dataframe.
3:17PM 0 Write a function that allows access to columns of a passed dataframe.
2:44PM 3 Write a function that allows access to columns of a passed dataframe.
1:31PM 1 "Patched " version listed on CRAN mirrors is actually Oct RC version
1:18PM 1 Question about proxy setting of R
1:00PM 0 openxlsx: No Formatting of Numbers (TEXT ONLY)
1:00PM 1 Sensitivity Analysis for Moderated Mediation?
12:59PM 0 openxlsx: No Formatting of Numbers
12:29PM 0 Can't install or upgrade the "PKI" package on a Debian testing system
12:27PM 0 Question about proxy setting of R
12:25PM 3 scatter plot of numerical variables against different sample ids
11:33AM 2 Question about proxy setting of R
10:28AM 2 ggplot2, qplot, problems
3:52AM 1 Clustering methods for data that has bimodal distribution
12:30AM 0 NIMBLE package for hierarchical modeling now on CRAN
Sunday December 4 2016
12:43PM 1 Fill an empty matrix with a function
10:08AM 2 R for skip to the next row if condition met and then another condition to check
5:44AM 0 Interpreting summary.lm for a 2 factor anova
5:29AM 0 Interpreting summary.lm for a 2 factor anova
4:46AM 2 Interpreting summary.lm for a 2 factor anova
4:33AM 0 Interpreting summary.lm for a 2 factor anova
2:11AM 0 error serialize (foreach)
12:12AM 0 tcltk: use of .Tcl.callback
Saturday December 3 2016
9:59PM 1 Contribute to R-Project
9:25PM 2 error serialize (foreach)
4:43PM 0 tcltk: use of .Tcl.callback
3:40PM 1 data
1:45PM 2 Interpreting summary.lm for a 2 factor anova
5:18AM 0 Interpreting summary.lm for a 2 factor anova
Friday December 2 2016
8:03PM 3 Interpreting summary.lm for a 2 factor anova
5:09PM 0 Interpreting summary.lm for a 2 factor anova
4:37PM 1 R Integration with SPSS Modeler
4:07PM 1 i am trying to teach myself R
3:44PM 0 i am trying to teach myself R
2:16PM 2 Interpreting summary.lm for a 2 factor anova
1:38PM 0 Oddd results when computing confidence intervals
11:41AM 0 Interpreting summary.lm for a 2 factor anova
11:23AM 1 rstan error: C:/Rtools/mingw_64/bin/g++: not found
10:45AM 1 Plotting Confidence Intervals into a density plot
10:36AM 0 Plotting Confidence Intervals into a density plot
9:59AM 2 Plotting Confidence Intervals into a density plot
9:01AM 0 Plotting Confidence Intervals into a density plot
8:18AM 2 Plotting Confidence Intervals into a density plot
4:18AM 0 confidence intervals for orthogonal contrasts
12:43AM 0 R & MongoDB
12:24AM 0 Plotting Confidence Intervals into a density plot
Thursday December 1 2016
9:58PM 1 Bootstrap using ARIMA model
9:33PM 3 i am trying to teach myself R
9:17PM 2 confidence intervals for orthogonal contrasts
8:58PM 1 Identifying Gender
8:48PM 0 DocumentTermMatrix
8:42PM 0 Identifying Gender
8:10PM 2 Plotting Confidence Intervals into a density plot
7:40PM 5 Identifying Gender
6:50PM 0 Bootstrap using ARIMA model
5:27PM 1 Splitting or Subsetting Using foreach
4:20PM 1 R re-base/compile problem
4:18PM 0 Ajdustment of data symbols
4:01PM 2 Ajdustment of data symbols
3:45PM 3 Bootstrap using ARIMA model
3:22PM 1 How to setup a multiplicative dummy function in R
3:00PM 0 (no subject)
1:48PM 2 Interpreting summary.lm for a 2 factor anova
8:07AM 2 R & MongoDB
4:06AM 2 about data manipulation
3:55AM 1 Command for simple effects following 2 way anova with interaction
3:37AM 0 Question about proxy setting of R