I have a vector of values, and have written a function that takes each value in that vector, generates a normal distribution with that value as the mean, and then finds the interval at different levels. However, these intervals don't seem to be right (too narrow). ### CREATE PREDICTION INTERVALS ensemble_forecast = c(200,600,400,500,200,100,200,600,400,500,200,100) forecast_for=12 lo_intervals = c() hi_intervals = c() create_prediction_intervals <- function(use_forecast = ensemble_forecast, conf_level = 0.90, do_jitter = FALSE){ conf.levels1 = paste(round(rep(conf_level, forecast_for/2), 2), "0", sep="") conf.levels2 = seq((conf_level+0.02), 0.95, length=forecast_for/2) all.conf.levels = c(conf.levels1, conf.levels2) all.conf.levels = as.numeric(as.character(all.conf.levels)) all.conf.levels # forc_num=1 for(forc_num in 1:length(use_forecast)){ message("Executing forecast number: ", forc_num, " at confidence level: ", all.conf.levels[forc_num]) value = rnorm(5000, mean=use_forecast[forc_num], sd=sd(use_forecast)) #t.test(value)$conf.int #Rmisc::CI(value, ci=0.99) low = Rmisc::CI(value, ci=all.conf.levels[forc_num])[[3]] high = Rmisc::CI(value, ci=all.conf.levels[forc_num])[[1]] #low = t.test(value, conf.level=all.conf.levels[forc_num])$conf.int [[1]] #high = t.test(value, conf.level=all.conf.levels[forc_num])$ conf.int[[2]] lo_intervals.tmp <- c(low) hi_intervals.tmp <- c(high) if(do_jitter){ if(length(unique(lo_intervals)) <= 3) lo_intervals.tmp <- round(jitter(lo_intervals.tmp), 0) if(length(unique(hi_intervals)) <= 3) hi_intervals.tmp <- round(jitter(hi_intervals.tmp), 0) lo_intervals <<- c(lo_intervals, lo_intervals.tmp) hi_intervals <<- c(hi_intervals, hi_intervals.tmp) } else { lo_intervals <<- c(lo_intervals, lo_intervals.tmp) hi_intervals <<- c(hi_intervals, hi_intervals.tmp) } } } summary(value) hist(value) create_prediction_intervals(ensemble_forecast) Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? -- *Abraham MathewData Ninja and Statistical Modeler* *Minneapolis, MN720-648-0108 at abmathewksAnalytics_Blog <https://mathewanalytics.wordpress.com/>* [[alternative HTML version deleted]]