Dear R users, I?m please to announce the available on CRAN of new package largeVis.(*) largeVis offers three major features: - A fast implementation of the LargeVis algorithm. LargeVis is for visualizing high-dimensional datasets, similar to (and of similar quality to) t-SNE. But, LargeVis runs in O(n) time, which makes it feasible to use on datasets with millions of rows and thousands of columns. LargeVis is also insensitive to hyperparameter changes, which is important when running on large datasets that take time to compute. - Very fast approximate nearest neighbor search. I believe it to be the fastest nearest neighbor search available for R. - A fast implementation of the HDBSCAN clustering algorithm. HDBSCAN is a density-based clustering similar to DBSCAN and OPTICS (which are also implemented), but HDBSCAN allows the density threshold for clusters to vary. This makes it insensitive to hyperparameter changes and more flexible than either DBSCAN or OPTICS. There are other features as well, such as functions to visualize image embeddings using largeVis.? Some examples are available here: ? Benchmarks comparing the speed of the nearest neighbor search to RcppAnnoy are here:? Examples of HDBSCAN are here: ? The package is available here: ? and for best results, to take advantage of 64-bit machines and multiple cores, should be installed from source.? Thank you! (*) A prior version was available on CRAN but not announced. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]