On Sep 19, 2010, at 11:41 AM, Halabi, Anan wrote:
> I generate random vector from Weibull distribution
> sampWB <-urweibull(sampleSize, shape=shape.true, scale=scale.true,
> lb=0, ub=Inf)
I suppose with the suitable package loaded from a library that had it
installed, one could get reproducible code running, but at the moment
all I get is an error:
> sampWB <-urweibull(sampleSize, shape=shape.true, scale=scale.true,
lb=0, ub=Inf)
Error: could not find function "urweibull"
censidx <- sample(1:length(sampWB), length(sampWb)*0.3)
sampWB[censidx] # the subset
> how can I create subvector containing 30% of samplesize of sampWB
> which should be assigned as Censored data?
> The probability for each value in sampWB can be uniform to be
> included in the subvector.
David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT