|Hi R-users, I have used the Cairo package to create graphics on a headless system running R 2.9.2 without build-in support for cairo. The results are a bit disappointing compared to using the GDD package, although the R documentation recommends Cairo over GDD, because it has better rendering, symbol support, and a more actively maintained back-end. Judge for yourself (note that the sides of the rectangular box have unequal widths): http://amc-app1.amc.sara.nl/twikidata/pub/temp/index.html I was wondering whether there are Cairo-users that get better results. Maybe I did not configure things properly? Below are the statements I used to produce the graphic (a build-in data set is used): library(Cairo) ||Cairo(width=900, height=600, file="cairo.png", bg="white", type="png") ||plot(faithful$eruptions, faithful$waiting, col="red", main="Created on the grid via Cairo", pch=4) ||abline(lm(faithful$waiting~faithful$eruptions)) ||dev.off()| Thanks in advance, CBy