On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 7:11 AM, nathan pellegrin
<nathan.pellegrin at gmail.com> wrote:> # Dear R Community,
> # I have this data frame:
> df1 <- data.frame(
> ? ? ? ?F1 = factor( c(
rep("D1",12),rep("D2",12),rep("D3",12) ) ),
> ? ? ? ?F2 = factor( rep( rep( paste("O",1:6,sep=""),
rep(2,6) ), 3) ),
> ? ? ? ?F3 = factor( rep( c("V1","V2"), 18 ) ),
> ? ? ? ?S1 >
> 4.460295e-11),
> ? ? ? ?S2 >
> -15.37506924) )
> # Two of the factors are used to define an array
> # of panels with the third showing up as bars along the x axis.
> # How do I color the bars according to their sign (red < 0, blue > 0)
> # conditional on the value of S2 < .025 - in which case color them gray?
> # Initially, I tried to pass a character vector specifying colors,
> # which does not achieve the desired result:
> library(lattice)
> library(latticeExtra)
> df1$barcols <- ifelse(df1$S1 <.025, "gray", ifelse( df1$S2
> 0,
> "blue","red"))
> ?ctp <- xyplot(S2 ~ F2 | F1 + F3,
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ?data=df1, as.table=TRUE, ylim=c(-10,10),
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?panel = function(x,y){
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?panel.barchart(x,y,horizontal=FALSE, origin=0,
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?col=df1$barcols ) } )
> useOuterStrips(ctp)
> # Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
> # Thank you!
Itis better to keep the idea of grouping and the actual colors distinct.
df1 <-
colgrp = factor(ifelse(S1 <.025, "A",
ifelse( df1$S2 > 0, "B",
levels = c("A", "B",
barchart(S2 ~ F2 | F1 + F3, stack = TRUE,
data=df1, as.table=TRUE, ylim=c(-10,10),
groups = colgrp,
par.settings = simpleTheme(col = c("grey", "blue",