julia.jacobson at arcor.de
2010-Aug-07 20:02 UTC
[R] Sweave for inclusion of p value in a sentence of a LaTeX document
Dear R Users, I would like to include the p value in the results returned by the t.test function in a sentence of a LaTeX document. For this purpose, I use the following code (file.Rnw): \documentclass{article} \begin{document} The p value for my data was <<echo=FALSE>>x<-cbind(1,2,3) y<-cbind(3,4,5) t.test(x,y) @ which is not significant. \end{document} I use "R CMD Sweave file.Rnw" and "pdflatex file.tex" to create a PDF document of it. However, the all details of the t-test are included in my document and form a new paragraph in another format than the rest of the original sentence. The sentence should look like this: "The p value for my data was 0.2879 which was not significant." Thanks in advance. Julia Wassertemperaturen in Deutschland Sommer, Sonne, Strand - wer braucht Abk?hlung? Die aktuellen Wassertemperaturen und Windgeschwindigkeiten f?r Deutschlands Badeseen gibt?s auf arcor.de.
Matthieu Dubois
2010-Aug-08 06:16 UTC
[R] Sweave for inclusion of p value in a sentence of a LaTeX document
Dear Julia, my way to do that is to attribute the t.test to an object, and then refer to its p.value with the function \Sexpr e.g. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{Sweave} \begin{document} <<echo=FALSE>> x<-cbind(1,2,3) y<-cbind(3,4,5) t <- t.test(x,y) @ The p value for my data was \Sexpr{ round(t$p.value, 3) } which is not significant. \end{document} Best, Matthieu Matthieu Dubois Post-doctoral researcher Department of Psychology and Neural Science, NYU