I figured it out myself, here it is: control=rpart.control(cp=.001))
Thank you!
On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 12:58 PM, Olga Shaganova
> My decision tree grows only with one split and based on what I see in
> E-Miner it should split on more variables. How can I adjust splitting
> criteria in R?
> Also is there way to indicate that some variables are binary, like variable
> Info_G is binary so in the results would be nice to see "2)
> instead of "2) Info_G<0.5".
> Thank you in advance!
> And thanks for Eric who helped with my previous question about starting
> "rpart".
> Olga
> > fit <- rpart(Retention ~
> Info_G+AOPD+Mail+Xref_Umbr+Ins_Age+Discount+Xref_A + Con6 +
> + Con5 + Con4 +
> + Con3 + Con2 +
> + Con1 , data=Home,control=rpart.control(minsplit=5))
> >
> > fit
> n= 48407
> node), split, n, deviance, yval
> * denotes terminal node
> 1) root 48407 4730.642 0.8902225
> 2) Info_G< 0.5 14280 1999.293 0.8316527 *
> 3) Info_G>=0.5 34127 2661.865 0.9147303 *
> >
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