Dear R People, I?m trying to link R and TK. I?m using R 2.11.1 with Tinn-R For simple examples like the following one it?s working (see the initiation of the variables, the handler and the link to the function which multiply Zahl, Exponent and Factor) : require(tcltk) Ergebnis<-tclVar(c(0,0,0,0,0,0)) Zahl<-tclVar(c(0,0,1,1,1,0)) Exponent<-tclVar(c(1,1,1,1,1,1)) Factor<-tclVar(2) handler.Quadrieren<-function() { tkconfigure(e, textvariable=tclVar(test2(as.numeric(tclObj(Zahl)),as.numeric(tclObj(Exp onent)),as.numeric(tclvalue(Faktor))))) } test2 <- local({source("C:/.../Tk_einfach.R", local = TRUE) environment(Quadrieren) <- .GlobalEnv Quadrieren }) Now I want to do the same with my more difficult work: #Variable initiation and handler-functions in the GUI(TK)-file: AnzKnd<-tclVar(ANZK) Besuchsh?ufigkeitakt<-tclVar(c(4,8,2,4,6)) ZK<-tclVar(c(3,2,4,1,2)) durch<-tclVar(seq(length=ANZK,from=1,by=0)) Seins<-tclVar(seq(length=ANZK,from=0,by=0)) Szwei<-tclVar(c(33,4,6,12,55)) Sdrei<-tclVar(c(55,48,10,20,80)) Svier<-tclVar(c(61,53,13,24,94)) Sf?nf<-tclVar(c(62,54,14,27,100)) Zeitb<-tclVar(52) maxBes<-tclVar(10) handler.plan<-function() { tkconfigure(planErgebnis, textvariable=tclVar(test2(as.numeric(tclvalue(AnzKnd)),as.numeric(tclval ue(maxBes)),as.numeric(tclObj(Besuchsh?ufigkeitakt)),as.numeric(tclObj(Z K)),as.numeric(tclObj(durch)),as.numeric(tclObj(Seins)),as.numeric(tclOb j(Szwei)),as.numeric(tclObj(Sdrei)),as.numeric(tclObj(Svier)),as.numeric (tclObj(Sf?nf)),as.numeric(tclvalue(Zeitb))))) } test2 <- local({source("C:/.../funktion.R", local = TRUE) environment(plan) <- .GlobalEnv plan }) The head of the file/ function in "C:/.../funktion.R" looks like this: plan<-function(AnzK,maxBesuche,Besuchsh?ufigkeitaktuell,ZpK,d,ZER,S2,S3, S4,SAT,Zeitbudget){ ... } When I'm starting the function in "C:/.../funktion.R" (with the variables initiated like above, but without tclVar) it's running. Also when I'm opening it from GUI but re-initiate the variables in the funktion.R! So I'm thinking that there is some problem with the initiation/transfer of the variables from the GUI to the "C:/.../funktion.R"! Maybe as.numeric(tclObj(...)) is not the right one? But then I don't understand why it's working in the easier example above. The error is: Error in plan(AnzK, maxBesuche, Besuchsh?ufigkeitaktuell, ZpK, d, : Object 'Besuchsh?ufigkeitaktuell' not found Thanks! Immanuel Seeger