It seems very likely you are working on a 32-bit version of R, but it's a
little surprising still that you would have a problem with any single year.
Please tell us the operating system and version of R. Did you preprocess
the airline CSV file using the utilities provided on If you
don't, then anything character will be converted to NA. Is your R
environment empty, or did you have other objects in memory?
It might help to just do some tests yourself:
x <- big.matrix(nrow=1000000, ncol=10, ....... other options .....)
Make sure it works, then increase the size until you get a failure. This
sort of exercise is extremely helpful in situations like this.
Subject: [R] Bigmemory: Error Running Example
Content-Type: text/plain
I am trying to run the bigmemory example provided on the
The example runs on the "airline data" and generates summary of the
x <- read.big.matrix("2005.csv", type="integer",
This runs fine for the provided csv for year 1987 (size=121MB). However, for
big files like for year 2005 (size=639MB), it gives following errors:-
Error in filebacked.big.matrix(nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, type = type, :
Problem creating filebacked matrix.
Error: object 'x' not found
Error in summary(x) :
error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for
function 'summary'
Here is the output from running the memory.limit() :-
[1] 2047
Here is the output from running the memory.profile() :-
NULL symbol pairlist closure environment promise
1 9381 325570 6477 744 3710
language special builtin char logical integer
121940 178 1600 15068 9518 8981
double complex character ... any list
7983 17 47593 0 0 4073
expression bytecode externalptr weakref raw S4
2 0 618 117 119 1838
Anyone who has previously worked with bigmemory before could throw some
light on it.
Were you able to run the examples successfully?
Thanks in advance.
Harsh Yadav
John W. Emerson (Jay)
Associate Professor of Statistics
Department of Statistics
Yale University <>
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