On Jul 23, 2010, at 6:18 PM, chipmaney wrote:
> Here is an example dataset:
> ZoneCover.df<- data.frame(Value=c(1,2))
> row.names(ZoneCover.df) <- c("Floodplain1.Tree",
> I want to Export the Row.Names to a column in the dataframe:
> ZoneCover.df$ID <- names(ZoneCover.df)
> which yields this:
>> ZoneCover.df
> Value ID
> Floodplain1.Tree 1 Floodplain1.Tree
> Floodplain1.Shrub 2 Floodplain1.Shrub
> How do I remove the .Tree and .Shrub extensions from the ZoneCover$ID
> values?
(The "." character needs to be "escaped" with doubled
"\" but the
second "." is a regex for any character.)
> gsub("\\..*$","", c("Floodplain1.Tree",
[1] "Floodplain1" "Floodplain1"
Use the same method with assignment to the column:
ZoneCover.df$ID <- gsub("\\..*$","", ZoneCover.df$ID)
David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT