On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, Michael Friendly wrote:
> I have been tinkering with mosaicplot() and friends as a way
> of learning R. As part of this, I've written a pair.table()
> method for mosaic matrices, and would like to extend mosaicplot
> to work with loglin and logln (MASS) objects. I'm using
> R 1.4.0 on Win 98.
> I've been trying to figure out the formula interface, and think
> there's a bug, but not sure how to find it, yet alone fix it.
As documented it should not have interaction terms:
For the formula method, if `data' is an object inheriting from
classes `"table"' or `"ftable"', or an array
with more than 2
dimensions, it is taken as a contingency table, and hence all
entries should be nonnegative. In this case, the left-hand side
of `formula' should be empty, and the variables on the right-hand
side should be taken from the names of the dimnames attribute of
the contingency table. A marginal table of these variables is
computed, and a mosaic of this table is produced.
I am really not sure what you expected Hair * Eye + Sex to give you.
As a log-linear model the meaning is clear, but mosaicplot is working with
data and not a model *unless* you ask for an extended mosaicplot
by specifying `shade'. The way two modes are described on one help page
may be misleading. For data the model is really Hair * Eye * Sex
and arguments `margin' and `type' are not relevant (AFAIK).
What one could do is to extend the notation so that instead of
mosaicplot(HairEyeColor, shade = TRUE, margin = list(c(1,2), 3))
the model could be specified by a formula (rather than by margins).
> It seems to only work with independence models:
> > data(HairEyeColor)
> > mosaicplot(~ Hair + Eye + Sex, data=HairEyeColor)
> > mosaicplot(~ Hair * Eye + Sex, data=HairEyeColor)
> Error in aperm(a, perm, resize) : `perm' is of wrong length
> here's a traceback:
> > debug(mosaicplot)
> > mosaicplot(~Hair + Eye + Sex + Hair:Eye, data=HairEyeColor)
> debugging in: mosaicplot(~Hair + Eye + Sex + Hair:Eye, data >
> debug: UseMethod("mosaicplot")
> Browse[1]>
> Error in aperm(a, perm, resize) : `perm' is of wrong length
> > traceback()
> 5: aperm(X, c(s.call, s.ans))
> 4: apply(x, margin, sum)
> 3: margin.table(data, match(varnames, names(dimnames(data))))
> 2: mosaicplot.formula(~Hair + Eye + Sex + Hair:Eye, data = HairEyeColor)
> 1: mosaicplot(~Hair + Eye + Sex + Hair:Eye, data = HairEyeColor)
> >
> but this works correctly:
> > library(MASS)
> > lm1 <- loglm(~Hair*Eye + Sex, HairEyeColor)
> > lm1
> Call:
> loglm(formula = ~Hair * Eye + Sex, data = HairEyeColor)
> Statistics:
> X^2 df P(> X^2)
> Likelihood Ratio 29.34982 15 0.01449443
> Pearson 28.99286 15 0.01611871
> >
> Can anyone help?
> --
> Michael Friendly friendly at yorku.ca
> York University math.yorku.ca/SCS/friendly.html
> Psychology Department
> 4700 Keele Street Tel: (416) 736-5115 x66249
> Toronto, Ontario, M3J 1P3 Fax: (416) 736-5814
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