Renaud Lancelot
2002-Jan-13 19:48 UTC
[R] weighted regression: Osius & Rojek's test for logistic regression models
Dear all, I am trying to implement goodness-of-fit tests for logistic regression models described in : Hosmer, D.W., Lemeshow, S., 2000. Applied logistic regression. New-York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 373 p. (pp. 152-154) Namely I would like to reproduce Osius & Rojek's test (Osius, G., Rojek, D., 1992. Normal goodness-of-fit tests for multinomial models with large degrees of freedom. JASA, 87: 1145:1152.). This test involves a weighted linear regression of the transformed fitted probabilities against covariates, from which residual sum of squares is extracted. Using the UIS dataset provided at and the same model than in the book, I find a large discrepancy between "my" RSS and the one reported by Hosmer and Lemeshow: 392.454 vs. 189.685. Weighted linear regression results, weights in "nu":> summary(fm)[snip] Coefficients: Value Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 16.5302 0.7327 22.5616 0.0000 age -0.2175 0.0158 -13.7293 0.0000 ndrgfp1 -4.1627 0.2578 -16.1472 0.0000 ndrgfp2 -1.5025 0.0977 -15.3835 0.0000 ivhxPrevious 2.1504 0.2595 8.2872 0.0000 ivhxRecent 2.4429 0.2290 10.6676 0.0000 race -0.8732 0.2016 -4.3316 0.0000 treat -1.4424 0.1779 -8.1096 0.0000 site -0.6621 0.1977 -3.3486 0.0009 Residual standard error: 0.8755 on 512 degrees of freedom [snip]> sum( nu * resid(fm)^2 )[1] 392.454> sqrt(392.454 / 512)[1] 0.876 Other intermediate calculations are the same (Pearson's chi square, etc.) so I don't think the problem comes from the dataset. The whole code of the function and its application on the UIS data set are given below. I would highly appreciate any insight on this problem. Renaud ################### or.test <- function(object) { ### ancillary function ## ags adapted from agg.sum provided by Bill Dunlap ags <- function(x, by){ by <- data.frame(by) ord <-"order", unname(by)) x <- x[ord] by <- by[ord, ] logical.diff <- function(group) group[-1] != group[ - length(group)] change <- logical.diff(by[[1]]) for(i in seq(along = by)[-1]) change <- change | logical.diff(by[[i]]) by <- by[c(T, change), , drop = F] by$x <- diff(c(0, cumsum(x)[c(change, T)])) by } ### ### computations ### mf <- model.frame(object) ## collapse the original data by covariate pattern xx <- ags(rep(1, nrow(mf)), mf[-1]) ## observed number of cases by covariate pattern yy <- unname(unlist(ags(mf[ , 1], mf[-1])[ncol(xx)])) ## fitted proba pp <- predict(object, newdata = xx, type = "response") ## number of rows with the same covariate pattern mm <- unname(unlist(xx[ncol(xx)])) ## new model frame xx <- xx[ , - ncol(xx)] ## weights nu <- mm * pp * (1 - pp) ## new response cc <- (1 - 2 * pp) / nu ### Pearson's X2 X2 <- sum( (yy - mm * pp)^2 / nu) ### weighted regression mod <- lm(cc ~ . , weights = nu, data = xx) rss <- sum( nu * resid(mod)^2 ) ### compute the stat. J <- nrow(xx) A <- 2 * (J - sum( 1 / mm)) z <- abs( (X2 - (J - length( coef(object) ) ) ) / sqrt(A + rss) ) ### report results print(object$call) cat("Osius & Rojek's goodness-of-fit test for logistic models.\n") cat("Null hypothesis: model fits the data well.\n") cat("z =", round(z, 3), "; P =", round(2 * (1 - pnorm(z)), 3), "\n") }> mod2 <- glm(dfree ~ age + ndrgfp1 + ndrgfp2 + ivhx + race + treat + site + age:ndrgfp1 + race:site,family = binomial(logit), data = uis, epsilon = 1e-010)> summary(mod2, cor = 0)Call: glm(formula = dfree ~ age + ndrgfp1 + ndrgfp2 + ivhx + race + treat + site + age:ndrgfp1 + race:site, family = binomial(logit), data = uis, epsilon = 1e-010) Deviance Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -1.30291 -0.7884782 -0.5787787 0.9882528 2.616352 Coefficients: Value Std. Error t value (Intercept) -6.84386380 1.21931572 -5.612873 age 0.11663848 0.02887493 4.039437 ndrgfp1 1.66903502 0.40715174 4.099295 ndrgfp2 0.43368849 0.11690510 3.709748 ivhxPrevious -0.63463065 0.29871912 -2.124506 ivhxRecent -0.70494755 0.26158047 -2.694955 race 0.68410676 0.26413543 2.589985 treat 0.43492548 0.20375957 2.134503 site 0.51620102 0.25488809 2.025207 age:ndrgfp1 -0.01526971 0.00602675 -2.533656 race:site -1.42945705 0.52978052 -2.698206 (Dispersion Parameter for Binomial family taken to be 1 ) Null Deviance: 653.7289 on 574 degrees of freedom Residual Deviance: 597.9629 on 564 degrees of freedom Number of Fisher Scoring Iterations: 5> or.test(mod2)glm(formula = dfree ~ age + ndrgfp1 + ndrgfp2 + ivhx + race + treat + site + age:ndrgfp1 + race:site, family = binomial(logit), data = uis, epsilon = 1e-010) Osius & Rojek's goodness-of-fit test for logistic models. Null hypothesis: model fits the data well. z = 0.085 ; P = 0.933 -- Dr Renaud Lancelot, v?t?rinaire CIRAD, D?partement Elevage et M?decine V?t?rinaire (CIRAD-Emvt) Programme Productions Animales ISRA-LNERV tel (221) 832 49 02 BP 2057 Dakar-Hann fax (221) 821 18 79 (CIRAD) Senegal e-mail renaud.lancelot at -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-help-request at _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._