I managed to resolve my problem, I updated my ORACLE 8.1.7 driver to replace
the one that came with the oracle install and it now works a treat.
Gavin Kennedy wrote:
> I am having the following problem with RODBC
> I connect to an oracle 8i (8.1.7) database using RODBC as follows;
> dbConn <-
> Then I extract some data, actually a whole table;
> orgdata <- sqlQuery(dbConn, "select * from organism",
na.strings = "NA")
> Then I try to save it back;
> sqlSave(dbConn, orgdata, rownames="cols", verbose = TRUE)
> and I get the following error;
> Error in coldata[, 1] : incorrect number of dimensions
> I'm not well versed in R and I am afraid I don't understand this
> Can anyone help?
> Gavin K.
> Gavin Kennedy
> Software Engineer - Bioinformatics
> CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences
> Gavin.Kennedy at CMIS.CSIRO.AU
> ph: 612-6246-4929
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