Not quite. There is a chisq.test() in the ctest library, but that does
Pearson chi-square tests of contingency tables.
Looking at chisq.gof, it seems to (1) cut the data into bins (you can
use hist() to do this); (2) calculate the expected numbers in each bin
using the differences of the CDF (pnorm, pexp, etc.); (3) calculate
sum((exp-obs)^2/exp); (4) find the tail probability of the chi-square
distribution (pchisq).
So the answer is no, but putting the pieces that you need together
shouldn't be too hard if you have a basic knowledge of R. If you're
really stuck, ask again.
On Fri, 3 Nov 2000, Matthias Fischer wrote:
> Dear R-users,
> is there a function for the Chi-square Goodness of Fit Test in R
> (compare function chisq.gof in S/S-PLUS).
> Thanks for help.
> Matthias Seitzinger
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