On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, Witold Eryk Wolski wrote:
> Hallo!
> Thanks for the answers that I received.
> I had downloaded the last distribution of RMySQL from
> /R/CRAN/src/contrib/Devel..
> Its the first package that I am trying to compile under Windows.
> >From the Compiler I am getting the following error message.
> In file included from RMySQL.c:1:
> RMySQL.h:24: mysql.h: No such file or directory
> RMySQL.h:25: mysql_com.h: No such file or directory
> make[2]: *** [RMySQL.o] Error 1
> make[1]: *** [src/RMySQL.dll] Error 2
> make: *** [pkg-RMySQL] Error 2
> Have somebody an expample how the syntax is for passing the path of
> include files? Is there a source for further information how to do it?
> "If a package needs to specify additional directories for search-
> ing header les (`-I' options) or additional libraries for linking
> and `-L' options), it
> should do this by setting the variables PKG_CPPFLAGS and PKG_LIBS in
> `src/Makevars'."
> But no examples. :-(
> RMySQL/src/Makevars. doesnt exists.
> RMySQL/src/Makevars.in contains:
> ?????
It *really* isn't hard. Try a src/Makevars containing something like
PKG_CPPFLAGS = -Id:/prog/mysql/mysql/include
PKG_LIBS = -Ld:/prog/mysql/mysql/lib -lmysql
(I'm guessing here) and you will need to make an import library for the
DLL, or convert one that MySQL ships with.>
> After adding -Id:/prog/mysql/mysql/include, to some lines in the Makefile
> and MkRules Files in the RHOME/src/gnuwin32 directory i got some
> progress. But it appears to me that it is not the intended solution to
> reedit each time the Makefile in src/gnuwin32 if a new Package have to be
> compiled.
No, the intended solution is for the package author to provide a
src/Makevars or tell you how to write one. But this is Devel package,
and they didn't except on Unix.
> Does anybody hava a compiled version of R.1.1.1 on Digital UNIX V4.0D or an
> compiled verion of RMySQL for windows NT?
As far as I can tell RMySQL for windows NT would need a lot of work.
MySQL needs TCP/IP support etc, and the R Devel package is BSD sockets
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
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