On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, Yudi Pawitan wrote:
> Dear R-helpers,
> I'm learning how to compile R packages with fortran
> routines and use the acepack source as an example.
> After some hiccups (Guido told me about the
> need to set make_mode=UNIX) I got to the following:
set MAKE_MODE, actually, ironically as you seem to have the converse
problem later.
> `make pkg-acepack' runs without error (see below),
> but it does not
> * compile any .f file in acepack/src
> * (hence) try to create any dll file or libs
> (I'm working with Rw1000 under Win98, with the cygwin tools.)
> Looking into the MakePkg it looks like the following line
> LSOURCES=$(wildcard $(SSPKG)/*.c $(SSPKG)/*.f)
> produces a blank. Inside MakeDll there is another `wildcard'
> that also produces a blank:
> SOURCES=$(wildcard -f *.c *.f)
> Thanks for any hint,
How did you unpack the sources? It looks as if however you did that
converted them to short file names (a common Windows trick). I see you have
MAN and SRC and you should have man and src, for example. So I bet you
have *.C and *.F.
As you also seem to have README~1.AVA I guess you have used a 16-bit
windows program or have a FAT (not VFAT) file system .... Whatever,
the problem is the something you did has corrupted the sources.
The tar in the cygwin tools is known to work with acepack_1.2-1.tar.gz.
> -Yudi-
> C:\R\rw1000\src\gnuwin32>make pkg-acepack
> -C /R/rw1000/src/library/acepack PKG=acepack RHOME=/R/rw1000
> RLIB=/R/rw1000/li
> brary \ -f /R/rw1000/src/gnuwin32/MakePkg
> ---------- Making package acepack ------------
> mkdir -p /R/rw1000/library/acepack
> README~1.AVA ./SRC /R/rw1000/library/acepack/
> /R/TOOLS/MAKE.EXE -C ./help RHOME=/R/rw1000 PKGDIR=/R/rw1000/src/library
> RLIB=/R/rw1000/library help-acepack
> perl build.help -txt -html -example -latex /R/rw1000/src/library/acepack
> /R/rw1
> 000/library
> >>> Building/Updating help pages for package `acepack'
> Formats: text html latex example
> /R/TOOLS/MAKE.EXE -C ./help RHOME=/R/rw1000 PKGDIR=/R/rw1000/src/library
> /rw1000/library contents-acepack
> perl Rd2contents /R/rw1000/src/library/acepack
> /R/rw1000/library/acepack/CONTENTS
> cat /R/rw1000/library/*/CONTENTS > /R/rw1000/doc/html/search/index.txt
> perl build.help -htmllists
> C:\R\rw1000\src\gnuwin32>path
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