Dear R-Help,
Has anyone gotten Xgobi to work in conjunction with R on a windows NT
platform? About a month ago there was a thread in which Peter Ho gave a set
of instructions on how to do it on windows 95. These instructions worked
perfectly when I tried to follow them on a windows 95 pc, but didn't when
it came to the NT pc on my desk. I'd be very grateful for a set of
instructions of similar detail.
Simon Bond
>Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who had replied to my earlier
>question of using Xgobi with R under windows. After a little messing around
>with the xgobi.bat file, I can now export data from R into Xgobi running on
>the free MIX X server.
>In summary here is the procedure to make Xgobi work under windows for R:
>1) Download the Xgobi for windows executables from Brian Ripley's
>I used the from 03-Mar-1999 09:55. Unzip it and place in
>directory of your choice.
>2) Download R interface windows compiled library, from CRAN or
>mirror sites and installed it in your library directory under which ever
>version of R you have running.
>3) Modify the xgobi.bat file found in (2) to read something like this:
>@echo off
>set DISPLAY=your machine name: 0.0
>set XGOBID=c:/Xgobi3
>c:\Xgobi3\xgobi.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
>Thanks very much to Martin you suggested to use the pass argument. Although
>it didn't work using
>%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9, whihc was originally there did.
>In my case my parent directory for Xgobi was Xgobi3.
>4) From within R do the following.
>> library(xgobi)
>then you can use the function:
>> xgobi(your matrix or data.frame)
>That's ll you need to do.
>Thanks again
>Peter Ho
>Escola Superior de Biotecnologia
>Universidade Cat?lica Portuguesa
>Rua Dr. Ant?nio Bernardino de Almeida
>4200 Porto
>Tel: ++351-2-5580043
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