Dear Mr. Cleland, SEM-ueser, R-User, ...
there isn't s-plus or R (a GNU-free version of the programming language
S) code for structural equation modelling. I always wondered why. I
personally think the language S, with the implementations S+ and R, is a
good-perhaps the best-environment for statistical analyses. Why? It is
object orientated, logical, etc. For example: the code for least squares
regression is: lm(y~x). And isn?t it a waste of time to learn for a new
analyses a new programming language?
Several month ago I thought about including structural eq. modelling in
R---either by writing an interface to the MX-Language (which unfortunately
isn?t under the GNU-licence but nearly ?free?) or built it up from scratch.
I haven?t because I haven?t got time and ...
Surely I the philosophies of the people who use S and SEM-Models are
different. Personally I think that this is the main reason why there isn?t
code for SEM for S. Perhaps one of the R-users might explain why there SEM
should not be included in R...
Greetings from an R but not yet SEM user (perhaps never)
ps. Sorry for the bad Engish...
Chuck Cleland wrote:
> Boechler, Mike wrote:
> >
> > Good day,
> > Is anyone aware of any objects written in S+ that allow one to fit
> > structural equation models (latent variable and otherwise)? Thanks in
> > advance.
> > Mike
> I am not aware of any libraries or functions, but you might try
> posting the question on the S-Plus list.
> s-news at
> Also check the S-Plus archives for available libraries and functions.
> AND Windows
> Chuck Cleland
* P. Malewski
* Hannover Medical School
* Department of Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy
* Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
* Tel.:+49 511 532 3194
* Fax.:+49 511 532 3190
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