On Sun, 25 Apr 1999, Barnet Wagman wrote:
> Is there anyway (other than 'repeat'') of catching the errors
that R
> throws?
> Thanks,
I'm not sure what you mean by "catch". I don't think that
repeat catches
anything. If you want to know where you were when the error occured then
traceback(), immediately after the error will provide you with the call
You can use debug and browser to try to track it down.
If on the other hand hand you're asking about a "real" error
mechanism, then the answer is no. I am working on improving the current
state of affairs somewhat and there is some potential for error
catching but it may involve a large amount of rewriting of the code
to make it safe to do so though.
If you could provide a concrete example of what you want it would
be easier for people to help you.
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