Dear r-helpers,
I have some multiplot figures that I would like to annotate. To each plot
frame I would like to add the associated correlation coefficients. To do
so, I believe I need to understand the usage of `expression' better.
The following is a good start.
petstring <- expression(paste(r[rho*p],"=" ))
mtext(petstring, line=0.3, adj=0.1, cex=0.8)
My question is, how can I interpolate a variable into this expression?
I would like petstring to contain r[rho*p] = peti, where peti is the corr.
coefficient that would vary across panes in the figure. I have tried
various combinations of paste and expression and have not hit on the right
combination (instead I usually get peti as a literal rather than a
Thanks, Alex Buerkle
C. Alex Buerkle Ph: 812-855-9018
Jordan Hall 142 Fax: 812-855-6705
Department of Biology
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405 cbuerkle at
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