On 01-Jan-99 Prof Brian Ripley wrote:> -rw-rw---- 1 root sysadmin 188267 Jan 1 06:20
> timeslab-1.0-1.tar.gz
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 root sysadmin 180290 Jan 1 02:02
> timeslab-1.0.tar.gz
> So which is which, what's the difference? ....
Sorry if this wasn't self evident:
timeslab-1.0.tar.gz == timeslab-1.0-0.tar.gz
and thus timeslab-1.0-1.tar.gz is the latest version.
Incidentally, if someone of the core team could let me know how to deal
with the 'setseed' issue. Why is R deviating from S in this point?
Bernd Johannes Wuebben wuebben at kde.org
wuebben at math.cornell.edu wuebben at acm.org
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