On Sat, 25 Apr 1998, Helgi Tomasson wrote: > I am creating postscript-graphics in R. When I import them into
> a LATEX document it is impossible to get the caption close
> to the figure. I run the same program in Splus, and no problem
> of getting the caption just below the figure. Another thing,
> the ps file that S created is only 10% of the size of the file
> that R created. What is wrong? Are there some parameters to
> be set?
I haven't noticed this problem with figures from R in LaTeX. Which version
of R is it, and do you have a specific example?
You can always fix the amount of space a PostScript file takes up in LaTeX
by altering its bounding box. The bounding box is given by a line
%%BoundingBox: 46 169 549 673
near the top of the PostScript file, and it specifies the amount of the
page that the graph actually occupies, measured in 72ths of an inch, from
the lower left corner of the paper. The four numbers are the distances to
the left, bottom, right and top margins of the picture.
The \epsfig{} command in LaTeX lets you specify a new bounding box if the
one in the file is missing or incorrect, or you could edit the file.
Of course it's better if the bounding box is right to begin with.
Thomas Lumley
Uni of Washington
Box 357232
Seattle WA 98195-7232
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