Dear Wojtek,
1) There should be a [x]fig(.) driver in one of the next releases of R.
The internal device driver code is currently being upgraded quite a bit
and it's not worth to spend time on porting devices to R version 0.61.1.
>>>>> "Wojtek" == Wojtek Zabolotny <wzab at> writes:
Wojtek> --------------5CF935C979296E5A508DE04D Content-Type:
Wojtek> text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Wojtek> Hello all R users and developers!
Wojtek> In the "Notes on R" I have found the following
Well, these are not so accurate really; these are just a relatively quick
port of the original "Notes on S" to help people getting started.
We (the R-core team) are really looking for volunteers who are willing to
write (in LaTeX if possible) a chapter or so, for tutorials on using R in
different topics.
I'm now citing Fritz Leisch, who said on R-devel, last week
>> Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 10:17:29 +0100
>> From: Friedrich Leisch <Friedrich.Leisch at>
>> To: r-devel at
>> Subject: Summary of mails concerning R help system
>> .....
Fritz> 5) That's actually a wish/suggestion from me: Maybe somebody
Fritz> wants to help the R project but doesn't know too much about
Fritz> writing code etc. ... we need a lot more of and better
Fritz> documentation, e.g., short tutorials on various topics to get
Fritz> people started. These should explain the basic concept of
Fritz> something and accompany it with some examples that can be copied
Fritz> & pasted ...
Fritz> The current demos or the appendix of the R notes could get you
Fritz> started. Topics could include those as the the non-existing
Fritz> links under ``Data Analysis with R'' (Basic Statistics,
Fritz> Exploratory Data Analysis, Linear Models, ...)
Fritz> So if you think you could write two or three pages on how to use
Fritz> R for any topic you could simply write it in LaTeX ideally in
Fritz> such a way that it can be translated to HTML using hyperlatex
Wojtek> (page 60, 13-th footnote) "... a better solution is to use
Wojtek> fig() driver (available from statlib) and use a conversion
Wojtek> program, such as fig2dev, to convert the resultant fig code to
Wojtek> Encapsulated Podtscript." I was very glad to read it,
Wojtek> I'm often forced to use specifically Polish characters (like
Wojtek> L-stroke, a-ogonek etc.) in my drawings' legend, and passing
Wojtek> the texts through fig2dev gives a possibility to use LaTeX (in
Wojtek> fact "babel") syntax for defining international
Wojtek> I downloaded the fig driver from statlib
Wojtek> (, and try to compile it, however
Wojtek> without success. The gcc complains about "device.h"
file, which
Wojtek> is not available (even in R sources). Where can I find this
Wojtek> file?
as said above, it's not worth to start porting to 0.61.1 now..
Wojtek> Thanks in advance Wojciech Zabolotny
Wojtek> wzab at BTW. The "fig" driver is very old
Wojtek> <HTML> <TT> Hello all R
users and
Wojtek> developers!</TT><TT></TT>
..... lots of HTML deleted ....
2) PLEASE: If you use Mozilla aka Netscape for sending E-mail,
please disable the ``feature'' of sending messages both in plain
ASCII and in HTML.
On the R-help (and many other) mailing list(s),
many people don't want to get messages that are blown up by a factor of
four, just for the potential possibility of ``prettyfied'' text...
I assume that you didn't even realize that you were sending your message
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