Berwin A Turlach
2016-Jan-12 04:54 UTC
[Rd] On 'R CMD INSTALL' with multiple architectures
G'day all, I guess it is still early enough in the year to wish everybody a happy and successful new year. I thought I should report that the installation of the CRAN package rstan regularly fails on my machine (a 64 bit linux box running Xubuntu 15.10). The reason being that I have the 32-bit and the 64-bit architecture of R installed, and my /tmp file is on a partition with about 1Gb space. During the installation of rstan the compilation of the source directory regularly fills up my /tmp directory such that at some point the compilation for the 64-bit architecture (my main architecture) fails as /tmp runs out of space. At that time, the src-32 subdirectory has a size of about 460 MB (~ half of the partition!). The most recent version of rstan I finally managed to install by issuing the commands: R CMD INSTALL --no-multiarch rstan_2.9.0.tar.gz followed by R --arch=32 CMD INSTALL --libs-only rstan_2.9.0.tar.gz The last command, to my surprise, actually tried to compile both libraries (32-bit and 64-bit) again. So the installation kept failing until I deleted the src-32 directory while the 64 libraries where build. By now I realise that the R-admin manual only suggests/documents that R --arch=name CMD INSTALL --libs-only pkg1 pgk2 .... only installs the library for the specified architecture if the package has "an executable configure script or a src/Makefile file", and is quite about its behaviour otherwise. But I wonder whether it would be reasonable for users to expect that 'R --arch=32 CMD INSTALL --libs-only' installs only the library for the specified architecture in all circumstances. Playing around with a package that also has compiled code, but is faster to install than rstan, I realise now that my second command should have been: R --arch=32 CMD INSTALL --libs-only --no-multiarch rstan_2.9.0.tar.gz In summary, I would like to suggest that 'R CMD INSTALL' deletes architecture specific 'src' subdirectories as soon as they are no longer needed and/or that 'R --arch=name CMD INSTALL --libs-only' installs only libraries for the specified architecture (as an unwary user might expect). Cheers, Berwin ========================== Full address ===========================A/Prof Berwin A Turlach Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr) School of Maths and Stats (M019) +61 (8) 6488 3383 (self) The University of Western Australia FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028 35 Stirling Highway Crawley WA 6009 e-mail: Berwin.Turlach at Australia